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Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:47 am

Hello fellas,

I'm thinking of reviving Lavindor Kingdom RPG. Do you remember that game, right? Next year it will be a ten years anniversary of that thing. And it seems we have a lack of medieval themed games lately here.

It might be an expandable game containing a kingdom map and with each new update I could add 3-4 new fuckable characters on that map. The game plot, scenario and dialogs as usual would be up to you. So what do you think of this idea?
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Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:08 am

serega_mnf wrote:
Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:47 am
Hello fellas,

I'm thinking of reviving Lavindor Kingdom RPG. Do you remember that game, right? Next year it will be a ten years anniversary of that thing. And it seems we have a lack of medieval themed games lately here.

It might be an expandable game containing a kingdom map and with each new update I could add 3-4 new fuckable characters on that map. The game plot, scenario and dialogs as usual would be up to you. So what do you think of this idea?
10 years! Wow, congrats guys! I remember fapping to that back when it came animations still look surprisingly good...

This sounds intriguing. If the next voting round is on the best Lavindor Kingdom reboot writeup, I wouldn’t be totally opposed to it, since we could get a well-written game out of it with a cool expanding universe...

But since we only get 1 game from you every 2 or 2 and a half months, I’d personally prefer Serrated’s next Juggs idea (if it wins the vote) for the next submission round. The last Juggs game came out nearly 7 months ago, and it would stink having to go another year between games featuring the runaway most popular MNF character. Every Juggs game brings more recognition to MNF games too (the only character I’ve seen fan art for and multiple fan made comics for outside of this site). Though, this is all based on the assumption that Serrated would submit another Juggs game the next opportunity he has, which signs indicate is the case. If he doesn’t plan on submitting, disregard this whole paragraph, lol.

But hey, that said, I’ll defer to an artist engaging in a topic that interests them if it keeps them fresh and excited about work, so if medieval is what keeps the passion alive, I say let’s go with medieval. And regardless, I would like to see a new Lavindor Kingdom made in the future at some point, even if it comes up in a submission round 2 months from now. I agree that there hasn’t been that much medieval stuff recently and there’s a lot of potential there.
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Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:35 am

Personally I'd like to see a return to more long form games with Map, item collection and other small rpg elements. I think the recent" the XXX files" was a step in the right direction. I found it much more engaging then many of the recent standalone ideas that were made. So I think this "Lavindor Kingdom" inspired game could be another great opportunity to move back in that direction of the longer games that most people seem to want. And like you said you could release the game with future "updates" or "episodes" planned. That way you'd be able to develop the game 3 sex scenes at a time, for example, every couple of months.

And instead of submitting entire game ideas, Members could submit ideas for single girls and their scenes and perhaps the top 3 voted girl&scene submissions get selected and then someone good at helping write out the lore and stringing things scenes/events together (such as what Serrated did for XXX files - but it doesn't have to be him if he doesn't want to) can help piece it all together. Or at-least the English dialogue if that's all you need help with.

Maybe doing a vote on it is the best idea though since most people don't like to post their opinions but will happily vote in an anonymous poll.

All that being said, I'd also like to alteast see the conclusion to "Lust for Sail" for the next game.
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Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:43 am

I am behind this idea 100%.
I love Lavender Kingdom and it's probably my favourite of your older games. Whatever you need or want, I'll be glad to help. 8-)
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Sat Mar 10, 2018 6:24 am

Jimjim3DX wrote:
Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:35 am
And instead of submitting entire game ideas, Members could submit ideas for single girls and their scenes and perhaps the top 3 voted girl&scene submissions get selected and then someone good at helping write out the lore and stringing things scenes/events together (such as what Serrated did for XXX files - but it doesn't have to be him if he doesn't want to) can help piece it all together. Or at-least the English dialogue if that's all you need help with.
I like this idea! 8-)
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Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:43 pm

Jimjim3DX wrote:
Sat Mar 10, 2018 5:35 am
Personally I'd like to see a return to more long form games with Map, item collection and other small rpg elements. I think the recent" the XXX files" was a step in the right direction. I found it much more engaging then many of the recent standalone ideas that were made. So I think this "Lavindor Kingdom" inspired game could be another great opportunity to move back in that direction of the longer games that most people seem to want. And like you said you could release the game with future "updates" or "episodes" planned. That way you'd be able to develop the game 3 sex scenes at a time, for example, every couple of months.

And instead of submitting entire game ideas, Members could submit ideas for single girls and their scenes and perhaps the top 3 voted girl&scene submissions get selected and then someone good at helping write out the lore and stringing things scenes/events together (such as what Serrated did for XXX files - but it doesn't have to be him if he doesn't want to) can help piece it all together. Or at-least the English dialogue if that's all you need help with.

Maybe doing a vote on it is the best idea though since most people don't like to post their opinions but will happily vote in an anonymous poll.

All that being said, I'd also like to alteast see the conclusion to "Lust for Sail" for the next game.
I agree with Jimjim3DX. A poll would be the best way to find out what people think of your idea, Serega.
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Sun Mar 11, 2018 1:54 am

I like the idea of voting for new characters with 3 top voted characters being added into the game. It's gonna be fun, cuz there will be 3 poll winners every time which is awesome!

But we still need someone to write the main plot (an overall scenario skeleton) for this future game. Any ideas?
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Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:54 am

Well, do you want something that's more traditional medieval? Or something more fantasy based that has magic and other fantasy elements?

You could do something where its set in the same world as MNF metropolis, but over a thousand+ years ago. Basically keep the MNF Metropolis as the setting but take it back to medieval times/setting. Maybe all those years ago the spot where metropolis was built used to be "Lavindor Kingdom" (though if you do that you might want to make it MNF Kingdom or something more connected name-wise.) And since modern day MNF metropolis has all sorts of things such as weird ghost encounters and super powered beings, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch if you wanted to go the "medieval with fantasy elements" route.

The protagonist could be some new character from the modern timeline who gets sent back in time to when things were more medieval and it was still its own kingdom. Perhaps a new cop character? Or if that's getting too familiar, an FBI agent or private detective perhaps? The protagonist would be on a mission to arrest a mad criminal genius/scientist when they get caught in their new time machine invention and sent back in time. The game's plot could be you're trying to find a way to get back to your timeline. Until then the protagonist is stuck in the past and has to go on quests and such, maybe the end goal is to find a sorcerer or some kind of object/artifact that will open up a portal to his timeline so he can leave.

There's plenty of room in there to insert peoples characters as side quests or just stepping stones along the way to eventually getting home. Maybe he doesn't even have to come home? Maybe his portal plan fails and he decides to just stay there and become the new King or something? This is where other peoples Ideas can come in and help come up with interesting scenarios.

Now I'll be the first to say that on paper this idea does sound very similar, if not practically the same as the premise for that one Baka game released a while back (forget the name - the one with time travel) but it does't mean it isn't usable as a base. Plus with this "map and item" type of game play it'll be a different feeling game, even if the base premise is a little unoriginal on it's own.

What are other people's thoughts?
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Sun Mar 11, 2018 5:16 am

Jimjim3DX wrote:
Sun Mar 11, 2018 4:54 am
Now I'll be the first to say that on paper this idea does sound very similar, if not practically the same as the premise for that one Baka game released a while back (forget the name - the one with time travel) but it does't mean it isn't usable as a base. Plus with this "map and item" type of game play it'll be a different feeling game, even if the base premise is a little unoriginal on it's own.
OK, scratch that, the game was called "Baka Adventures: Busty Dimension" (Kosmos - 2014) and it too had a "map and item" style to it, though admittedly a very limited and basic one in comparison to what I believe we're planning on creating here. Anyway, guess it is very similar, but still, it's not exactly the same and doesn't mean we can't use it as the basic premise to launch other peoples character ideas and sidequest's from etc.

Alternatively, if people don't want to go with time travel, the protagonist could be the bastard son of the King, but now that the King and all his family members have been assassinated, you're next in line for the throne, a female knight could be the character who comes to inform you of your birth right, vows to protect you and lets you know of the dangerous factions who are out to assassinate you next and put a end to the royal bloodline. To take back the throne you'll need to recruit a party of characters to assists. There could be a simple turn-based combat thing as the mini-game, you fight off assassins, recruit more babes of various professions/roles to your party/royal guard, eventually take back your rightful place on the throne, live happily ever after etc. Something like that?
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Sun Mar 11, 2018 8:11 pm

After reading the first post of this thread, by Serega, I decided to go ahead and start creating some origin lore for the founding of MNF Metropolis.

The setting will take place in a medieval time, and the first human being to set foot on the island (which has yet to be named) will be Officer Juggs ancient ancestor Thuna Thunderjuggs (formerly spelled Thunder-Juggs).

I borrowed some real facts from history, and gave her a reason on why and how she got there in the first place. This will take place during the year 870 A.D., she hails from Denmark, and is a Viking berserker who was hand picked by Halfdan Ragnarsson (who was an actual king of Denmark) to set forth and explore this island.

Although I love Lust for Sail, I have been dying to write something for Thuna for quite awhile now, so I decided to go for it. It's taken me a few hours of writing, re-writing' and more re-writing to get the story started to where I like it. But I will post it's entirety tonight, giving a more in-depth telling of her tale. :D
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