X.A.N.T.H.E completion?
Hey I was just wondering what was going on with the X.A.N.T.H.E game. It has been at 90% for quite a while and I was really looking forward to playing it before my premium ended at the 30th. I would also like to know who is making it or to see a glimpse to what it is. I'm sorry seeming like a unappreciative fan but I just want to know the progression of the game that's all.
- Posts: 113
- Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:14 pm
Most likely Kosmos making it since there only 3 animators here.
Just wanted to say, thank you Kosmos! I really enjoyed the game and appreciate you even willing to make it. I initially created X.A.N.T.H.E to just be a normal robot but you made her into a Judge Dredd clone, I honestly loved that and did not expect that. Thank you again man, this game made my day! Ps. Sorry for rushing you before.
- Posts: 113
- Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:14 pm
Couldn’t agree more with ya this year games have been dull for sure especially kosmos games. I’m just here for vadim and serega.