Release dates/quality/style

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Fri May 15, 2020 8:24 pm

Devs don't like that games are uploaded to sites like pornhub (understandably, they should definitely be paid for their hard work) but they take almost a month to release one game. I can't pay $30 for one game a month that isn't even good. I mean the only artist's style that's actually sexy is Serega. The art style, the proportions, the details, the physics of the boobs and butt, are all great. But I have to wait more than a month even for his game turn to circle around and be released. I feel if this site wants to get the money it deserves, it should have designated release dates and be putting out good content like serega's at least 3 times a month. It would be worth it then to pay for a sub.
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Sat May 16, 2020 5:00 am

Imma be honest, I like Serega's style too but the man does need to work to get quality games going. I think 3 times p/month would be overkill for him, he would have to work 24/7 in just one game for a whole week.
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Sat May 16, 2020 12:09 pm

I'm in the same boat, and it's why I don't usually sub until -at least- three new games are out since I last subbed. I feel like it would be a good time that they created a patreon with multiple tiers instead of sub-based content. I'd be willing to drop 5-10$ a month to help them out but I'm definitely not about to drop a continuous 30 for something I'm not even sure I'll like. I'm sure they're making decent money now as it is, but I think they'd make even more from people who are too hesitant to casually throw down 30
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