Public Domain Characters for Game Idea
So recently there has been a boom of usage using characters entering the public domain for projects. If you don't what the public domain is, here is a short explanation. After 95 years being created, any work is available to use and modify for your own personal use. As long as it doesn't hit any trademarks. Since a certain character is being used for crappy Horror flicks, I had an idea to bring the character for MNF. Modify the character a bit so it can fit the rules and try to get a pretty decent/great game idea for us fans. If any fans, writers or game developers are cool with this; leave a comment or suggestion.
- Posts: 309
- Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:52 am
I don’t think I’d get a boner from Steamboat Willy (no pun intended) though.