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PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:41 pm
by crocdeloup
Hi, I put this game ideas online but it does not seem to be appreciated critics would be welcome and if you have any idea gone there !

game idea :

2 friends discover the existence of a Pokémon league a little peculiar to Heonn.
Indeed, this year the first donating challenger is the first league and as a trainer to beat a champion to ask him, please choose who cannot refuse.

- Hero (Brice): ... 7lmeus.png

- Rival (Paul): ... 0918003628

- Roxanne: ... 867693.png
body: ... id=1571161

- Flannery: ... 49/06c.png
Body: ... eg?2198362

- Winona: ... 1227194703
Body + clothes for sex scene: ... 563afc.jpg

- Phoebe: ... 34/348.jpg
body: ... rkyman.jpg

- Glacia: ... 8xyrqg.jpg
body: ... arch=Boris

scene 1: Brice is at his friend Paul's place, they watch the TV map at:

Brice: we are bored seriously in our lost village!

Paul: Your reason for being our daughter Age here. (Brice and Paul are 20 years old)

TV: an advertisement passes ...
Are you bored in your quiet life?
Become a trainer now!
The Hoenn area is waiting for you!
And to motivate you this year the Pokémon League of Hoenn organize a special event!
The first trainer so it's the first league Pokémon to defeat every champion can ask what he wants the champion (private training, free trip, money!) Be creative in your requests and do not forget can ask!)

The 2 friends are very attentive!

Brice and Paul: you have to take part in this league!!

TV: The start will take place in 2 weeks in Rustboro City.
So see you soon, Hoenn!

Paul: I go to the professor's lab right away to get a Pokémon!

Brice: on a time of the know.

Scene 2:
Brice is looking in his father's old trainer business to see if you have anything useful.

Brice finds old pokeballs!

He tries them out and a legendary Pokémon comes out of the last ... (off the screen)

Brice: It's great with this Pokémon I'll be unbeatable.

Scene 3:

2 weeks later ...

Brice and Paul are at the Rustboro City Arena

Roxanne welcomes them:

Roxanne: hello challenger I am the champion Roxanne if you want to follow me.

The small group arrives in a battle arena.

Paul: go ahead, you have no chance anyway

Brice: thank you very much!

Transition after the fight.

Roxanne: congratulations challenger! you have won.

Paul: what was this great pokemon! It's not just me I just started!

Roxanne: you're the first one to beat me right ask what you want.

Brice: he has something but it's a little embarrassing.

Roxanne: You can tell me if you're upset.

Brice whispers in Roxanne's ear.

Roxanne: It's okay with me.

Sex Scene 1: ... id=2570505
blow job + cunnilingus

Scene 4:
During the following days Brice always arrives first in the arena and massacres the champions.

Brice arrives at the arena of Lavaridge (Brice is always alone in mind)

Flannery: Hi, I'm Flannery the champion of Lavaridge City specializing in pokemon fire.
Are you a challenger?

Yes, and I hope to win the prize for the young trainers of your arena!

Comment it's possible that you came here so fast?

you will understand once the fight has begun.

Flannery: All right let's go there

after the fight:

Flannery: I admit my defeat you are too strong for me.
As agreed you can ask me what you want.
Choose only the bonuses of a single reward.

Brice: I already chose!
I want you to make me a titsjob!

Flannery: uh ... are you on your choice?

Brice: yes, I'm sure.

Flannery: All right, I'll do the best tits job of your life!

Sex Scene 2: ... rkyman.png

scene 5:
brice continues his winning streak arrived at Fortree City

brice: where is the arena of this city?
I am totally lost!

Winona: Are you looking for the arene young man?

brice: where do you know where it is?

Winona: you fell on the right person, I am the champion of this city.
Enchant my name is Winona.
Come with me I'll take you to the arena.

On my way:

Winona :You will not be Brice by chance?

Brice: yes, it's me
Winona: I've heard a lot about you especially from the champions you've already beaten, I know what you asked them.

Brice: So you knew what's waiting for you in a short time?

Winona: Do you really think you can beat me?

Brice: yes and I have already chosen what I will ask.
Winona: here we are.

After the match:

Winona: the other champions did not lie to me you really have a gift for dressage.
Very good what do you want as a reward?

Brice: I want to fuck you all night!

Winona: I was not expecting it ...
I'm just preparing an outfit especially for you.

Sex scene 3:
Outfit: ... 563afc.jpg

Position: ... hay-03.jpg

vaginal sex + anal sex (between the two we release the breasts of Winona)

Cum in anal

Scene 6:
Brice arrives at the Hoenn pokemon league where Paul expects him to be depressed

Brice: Hi Paul: you do not look good, what's happening to you?

Paul: there are only the prices of the council 4. I managed to get here before you but I got slaughtered! you have won everything and I lost everything to you the honor of winning the last reward.

Brice: you are my friend I will not leave you in this situation if you want I can share my rewards with you.

Paul: that would be great!

Brice: wait for me here I take care of the Elite oven I come back with the rewards.
Brice: Hi Paul: you do not look good, what's happening to you?

Paul: there are only the prices of the council 4. I managed to get here before you but I got slaughtered! you have won everything and I lost everything to you the honor of winning the last reward.

Brice: you are my friend I will not leave you in this situation if you want I can share my rewards with you.

Paul: that would be great!

Brice: wait for me here I take care of the Elite oven I come back with the rewards.

Brice enters the room of the Elite oven

1 hour after ...

Brice comes out of the league with phoebe and Glacia

Brice: it's good here is the reward!
I present to you Phoebe master of the specter type and Glacia ice master

I have a very special reward for you!

Which of the two do you want to fuck first? (Paul is virgin)

Paul: Brice you are the best!

I will start with phoebe or Glacia! (selection in the dialog)

Sex scene 4: ... man.jpgice

Vaginal fuck => cum in pussy (option: cum in face and boobs)

Brice fucking the girl Paul did not choose


Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:02 am
by Kelumir
I don't really see anything wrong with your idea, it seems pretty solid.

If I were to guess at a reason why it's not doing better, I'd say it might, MIGHT, be the characters you've chosen. No offence to you or your preferences, but it's possible the girls you've chosen may not be popular enough. Flannery and Glacia may be ok, but I personally feel Roxanne, Winona and Phoebe don't really fit with the kinds of girls who are popular on this site.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 12:15 pm
by Punk43
Kelumir wrote:
Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:02 am
Flannery and Glacia may be ok, but I personally feel Roxanne, Winona and Phoebe don't really fit with the kinds of girls who are popular on this site.
I second that.
Possibly also the total amount of characters? Seems like a lot to digest in a single game, the more characters you add the less development and detail will be present in each. Games like OJ are so successful because she, as a singular focal point, has been crafted into a character with death, personality and attitude. This was even evident from the first game.

In short, nothing wrong with your idea at all. Theres no magic wand to make it do well unfortunately, just keep refining your idea and try to build a game idea that you would want to play.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 6:19 pm
by crocdeloup
hello, i think this game for pokemon fan and i would like to create a game series with each region and it's arene champion.
but it will probably mean an idea of ​​concurrency at the idea level.

if you have a favorite generation of pokemon (at the level of the champion you would like to see in the game) tell me and I will write a game on this generation for next time.

And thank you for your future comment.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 8:39 pm
by Kelumir
The 4th generation will always have a place in my heart, as Diamond and Pearl where the first games I owned myself.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by andelie
I second Kelumir's comment about this being a solid idea for a game.

The characters, as Punk43 pointed out, are maybe the reason your game isn't fairing so well. I personally have a lot of nostalgia for Hoenn, but I think you might have more success with a gen4/Sinnoh game, seeing how a lot of the Pokémon rule34 I've seen has been from that generation.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:02 am
by crocdeloup
I want to do a series of games on each generation of pokemon.

with a family history:
red: the father of brice for gen 1 and 2
brice: ludwig's father for Gen 3 and 4
ludwig: gen 5 and 6

Gen 7 and 8 : still to be defined.

the pokemon that finds brice at the beginning of PKMN: trip to hoenn belongs to are father red who to use it for the gen 1 and 2 and it will be transmitted in gen 5 and 6 in ludwig

I hope my idea is clear enough.
the idea on gen 4 is in preparation and should be fastemant post on this forum !

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:01 am
by crocdeloup
here is my idea of ​​the game on the 4th generation pokemon without dialogue for the moment do not hesitate to criticize or say if you like.

Pkmn: tournament of sinnoh
This scenario is the continuation of my previous idea (series of game)

a big pokemon tournament is organized at sinnoh, the prize for the winner, a day with all the arena champion of the region ... I'll let you guess what will happen this day ;) .

Hero: 20 years old ... 7lmeus.png

Gardenia: 25 years old ... THPxyQz9Zw
Body: ... xcfmzmWZCA

maylene: 19 years old ... ZKou54RANA
Body: ... 1JzLTxbL3w

fantina: 28 years old ... ch=Fantina ... 53/395.jpg

body: ... PKQM7P-F0Q

Candice: 22 years old ... DtdwDzxdvQ
Body: ... kfz4PXxp4g

Sex scene idea:

Scene 1: fantina and Maylene ... 1hpRC3Y1Aw

fantina: titjobs Maylene: blowjob

scene 2: fantina and Maylene again ... tPhpoIaryQ

maylene pussy and fantasy fuck this lick (or vice versa: choice to play before the scene)

scene 3:
gardenia: pussy fuck ... WqQlvBARlA

scene 4:
Candice: anal sex ... crSNpVnXYA

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:43 am
by Kelumir
I've never been the biggest fan of Maylene, I never really found her attractive.

I personally would swap her out for Cynthia.

Re: PKMN: Road to Hoenn

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:38 am
by crocdeloup
cynthia has already had an appearance (I leave her for the moment, I have a particular project for her) and I like maylene, I like to have a personal a little different from the usual busty girl.