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Yoko Littner: The Universal Slut! (Game Idea!)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 6:49 am
by Yokosama
Name: Yoko Littner Age:21 (in her galaxy suit) Yoko goes on a one last mission solo.
Yoko:"Man, It sure is boring going off into empty space on a solo mission."
'I wish there was something to keep me occupied..."
Suddenly, something her ship goes totally wrong!


Yoko:"What!? Low Gas?! I must've forgot to fill it up before I left!"
"I need to use the last of fuel to land somewhere quickly!" "Oh thank god! A planet in front of me, now to land!"




Yoko: "Ow, that sure as hell hurt."
"OH NO! The ship is fucked!
"And so is the radio, so now I can't call for help!"
"Great... I stranded here on this empty planet...Huh?"
"Hey wait a minute, I think that's a city over there! Thank god! Maybe I can get some help there."
"Hopefully they can give me a ride home!"

Yoko goes to the city

Yoko: "Boy this is one big perverted city..."
"Excuse me do know where I can get a ship from?"

Alien promoter: "Well well, you definitely look like you're not from around here."
"Ever thought of using your greatly developed body for the entertainment industry Miss..?"

Yoko: Yoko Littner and NO!" "I just wanna talk to one person in this place who isn't a dirty minded slob!"
"So can you help me with my situation or not?"

Alien promoter: "Easy there fat tits, I can definitely help you if your do something for me."

Yoko: "And what would that be?"

Alien promoter: "I'm a promoter, and I own one of the biggest strip clubs in the galaxy!"
"But these fellas wanna see something new, unique, and OUT OF THIS WORLD!"
"And you're just what I needed for this new show coming up called "The Intergalactic Slutty Contest!"

Yoko: "You want me to enter a contest for SLUTS!? NO WAY!"

Alien promoter: "Now now, hear me out..."
"The prize is a free spaceship, just what you're looking for! You can even use it fly back home to your planet."

Yoko: Really? That's great! But what does the losers get?"

Alien promoter: "The losers becomes to be the planet's personal slaves, where everyone can fuck you how they want it, when they want it!

Yoko: "Shit, this is one contest I don't wanna lose then..."
"Alright, but you promise me that spaceship so I can get out of here."

Alien promoter: "A promise is a promise."

At the space stadium...

Announcer: Gentlemen! Welcome to 2,000th Intergalactic Slutty Contest!"

Crowd: (cheers) Bring out the babes! Let's get it! Yeaah!"

Announcer: Today we have three contestants ready to take on the rounds!"
Our first contestant is..."
"From planet XXX-902...Three-tited Ahilac!"

(cheers) Ahilac: "I'm ready to win THREE times now!"

Announcer: "Our second contestant is.."
"From planet XX-765... The succulent Sapeha!"

(cheers) Sapeha: I'm ready to drain you all!"

Announcer: "And now our third and final contestant!" But today, she is ready to blow this contest away!"
"This one is from a planet out our reach... from beyond the stars and moon rocks..."
"Introducing... From planet "Earth" The "normal looking" Yoko Littner!"
(her bkini) Image (It should be red or black)
Crowd (cheers louder) Yoko: "This is more embarrassing as I thought."

Announcer: "Now that we have our contestants, Let's begin the contest!"

Round 1
The first game is doing a titjob make 25 aliens cum faster than the other opponents.
(what I hope it to look similar to) Image (with Yoko's hands on the breasts)

There are 4 modes, Stop, Easy, Medium, and Hard, to help Yoko go faster or slower. But you can't go hard for too long or your stamina meter will go down and Yoko will get tired for 4 seconds, so slow down when your stamina meter almost gets down.

Round 2
The same concept only with handjobs added.

Round 3
Again, same concept only with blowjobs added also.

You can lose at this game btw.
When you win:

Announcer: We have ourselves a new winner! Yoko Littner!!

Yoko: "Yes! I won! Now promoter guy, give me my ship you promised so I can get outta here!

Alien promoter: "Yeah, yeah a promise IS a promise."
"Here's your "ship" fat tits!"

The promoter then gives Yoko a TOY spaceship as a troll.


Alien promoter: I never said it was an ACTUAL spaceship now did i?


Alien promoter: "Ever heard IMAGINATION?"
"Besides after that performance, you've shown to be much more valuable to my business! So you get to be a sex slave either way! Haha!"



I don't really have any designs for the Alien promoter or the female alien contestants. But hopefully the artist who makes this game can make them for it. I also thought this would be a trilogy where Yoko goes to other planets to get fucked. Tell what you guys think in the comments! (I hope serega makes it)

Re: Yoko Littner: The Universal Slut! (Game Idea!)

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 12:01 pm
by MNFan
Very nice idea! Yoko is a babe when it comes to anime characters, so I'm completely down with the idea. Only thing I would add is a sex scene or two as well as reference images for Yoko herself since the MNF team likely don’t know the character much

The only unfortunate hurdle is aliens aren't allowed in the games anymore for some odd reason. CCbill is weirdly inconsistant with what's okay and what isn't I noticed :?