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Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2018 4:14 pm
As everyone knows there has been a lot of discontent with MnF lately from the people. This platform has been a keystone to great porn that has satisfied many for years (I would know). That being said, there is a lot of potential in here and I do not want to see it die off due to simple communication issues. I have compiled some general suggestions that may help resolve some of these dilemmas.

- Get someone to review the games before they get released

This person would review the dialogue and give their opinion on a game during development to see if the general public would like it or not.
(I understand that different people have different opinions, but the pay off would be cutting most of the problems MnF is having now. Maybe the community can vote on who we trust to give our opinion?)

- Increase communications?

A main reason why people are dissatisfied is that we barely get feedback from MnF. I understand English is not a strong suit for some of the staff and people are busy, so maybe hire someone fluent in English to address to the people when they have problems

- Quality games if it means waiting a little longer

The description kind of says it all. I don't think people would mind waiting a little longer if it means we get quality games


All in all these are just suggestions. I don't expect them to be accepted. Please let me know what you guys think about these suggestions and comment your own suggestions.

I don't post a lot on the forums but felt like it was necessary to give my feedback. I got tired of lurking, and got to working.

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 3:27 am
by fcrivers
There is no need to pay anyone to test games. If they have any doubt about something or want feedback they are 3, so they can ask about it to each other, or us... post pictures for girls and stuff and ask how we feel about them.. Vadim has been showing that recently (thank god!)

There is no need to pay someone to communicate either, they are very capable of writing english, and have done so in the past. It seems they either:

- Dont feel like it's needed;
- Are too busy

I agree with the waiting longer part. Maybe the 10/15 days limit for games isnt enough, increase the timer instead of butchering some games..

In my opinion they will not spend money on resources they dont need, like game testers or people to communicate with you. And also, I would rather speak with one artist directly, than having to talk to someone hired just to speak to us, that knows very little of MnF or their struggles.

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:06 am
by GoDWlf
If they increase the time for production - then they need to rethink pricing, because I certainly won't pay £20-30 for one game a month at 4 scenes a piece.

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 9:15 am
by mephisto666
MnF should just go back to the ol' days of making the games themselves, no game ideas from subscribers. It would save a lot of bullshit and with not so much pressure on the artists they would probably start putting out quality games again.

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2018 8:13 pm
by fcrivers
GoDWlf wrote:
Sat Jan 06, 2018 6:06 am
If they increase the time for production - then they need to rethink pricing, because I certainly won't pay £20-30 for one game a month at 4 scenes a piece.
This is where it gets tricky....

I agree with you 100%, if they were to ever consider increasing submission times, they would need to adjust the membership cost, but, this would just mean less money for the "same" work, just to have a better end product for costumers. It is not a change that will guarantee more income or even subscribers..

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 12:35 am
by Fayt1
main problem is artist who did nc games. kosmos? he takes away from idea and rewrites everything. changes community makes should go towars him.

Re: Suggestions for MnF

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 11:12 pm
by thunderdad
Myself, I would like to see some pussy eating done here. The males just fuck the pussies and asses without warming them up by tongue. Smaller tits wouldn't go amiss either. I