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"Cock Raider: A Fucking Legendary Encounter"

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 8:00 am
by Jack Al Sato
Mainly inspired by "Tomb Raider: Chronicles", MNF "News Reporter 2" and MNF "The Incredible Bulk" games

- ""Narration"", appearing in-game
- Description (containing details)
- CHARACTER: << Speech >>
- [ MENU ], [ ""Instructions (appearing in-game)"" ]
- ^ Main ACTION/POSITION of a Sex Scene ^, no button for it appearing on screen
- (( Personal Note ))

""Some time after stealing the Yris artifact from Warner Von Roy Corporation, Tara Crotch decides to infiltrate that building once more, now searching for an unknown artifact she's been tracking for a month which was carried and hidden somewhere inside the complex...""

(Tara's entire body within camera view, showing her rear quarter side; floor and ceiling barely visible)
Standing nude in front of her large wardrobe, Tara slides its door to take out a shiny black long-sleeved catsuit with high neck, long front zipper, knee and elbow paddings. She steps away from the wardrobe and begins wearing it.
Once her legs are inside the suit, she repeatedly jumps to fit her big ass within the outfit, shaking it for a while (turning then towards camera to show her front side);
puts both arms at once into the sleeves of the catsuit, covers both shoulders the same way and then slowly pulls the zipper up (camera now following the zipper), from below her pussy until at some point below her tits (half-covered, with their inner halves exposed; nipples stay inside the suit).
She pushes her boobs up to block them inside the outfit, turns around while looking at herself in the large mirror door of the wardrobe (now again her entire body within camera view), then dons a black belt, a pair of black boots and gloves.

TARA: << Oh, I'm such a hot girl in my favourite tight black catsuit!
(default face expression during the entire game: ... -stars.jpg ) >>

She spanks herself once. Lastly, she equips herself with her smart glasses, survival backpack and SMG.

TARA: << Alright, I'm ready now! Let's do this! >>

- Wardrobe with sliding mirror door (use this pic as the starting camera view of this scene): ... debi-2.jpg
- Tara Crotch's appearance, nude (same skin color all over body, shaved pussy, no jewels/bracelets/tattoos, red lipstick): ... 20a/05.jpg
(front view; same hair & skin color, slightly bigger tits), ... ges/14.jpg
(rear quarter view; slightly bigger and rounder ass)
- Tara's hairstyle: ,
- Tara's catsuit: ... -with-belt
(with a lengthened zipper ending right over her anus, the belt and buckle a bit smaller and without the cat ears shown in the pics)
- Tara butt-fitting animation:
(much lower speed)
- Catsuit's dressing and zipping up animation (check upper description for details): ... 17061.html
(refer to the description of this scene and to the linked video, from start until 03:00; slightly lower zipping-up speed than during video, beginning from below pussy; make a reversed animation for unzipping to be used later)
- Catsuit's "zipper default/highest point": ... 1459892870
- Zipper sound effect:
(read video description; also low and high speed variants for later use)
- Tara in front of mirror: ... 491009.jpg , ... mirror.jpg
- Tara's boots: ... ack-patent
- Tara's gloves:
- Tara's smart glasses: ... 133834.jpg
- Tara's survival backpack: ... 9806d0.jpg
(smaller, fitted with these straps instead, made thinner: ... 1497399539 )
- Tara's SMG (with stock always collapsed): ... 47o4jv.png

Some minutes later, Tara is right in front of Von Roy's facility. She stealthily knocks out a couple of distracted guards using martial arts, then heads to the main door and talks with her assistant Zip via a radio-communication device built in her smart glasses.

- Von Roy's facility entrance: ... onroe2.jpg
(with a "VRC" writing instead of "55")
- Guards (all armed with custom RONI G1 carbines): ... witter.jpg , ... 745d5b.jpg
- Zip (appearing in a small box on left bottom angle of screen during speechs): ... 0528112026

TARA: << Zip, do you copy? >>
ZIP: << Loud and clear, Tara. Have you taken care of the guards at the entrance? >>
TARA: << Yeah. >>
ZIP: << Wonderful, I was sure of that! They had no chance against you, girl! >>
TARA: << As always! I'm getting inside the building. >>

With the help of Zip, Tara hacks an electronic terminal near a wall not far from entrance to breach the security system and locate the Artifact Room.

- Von Roy's building Main Hall: ... tion_0.jpg
("Von Roy's" written instead)
- Electronic terminal:
check MINIGAME 1)

TARA: << Zip, I'm in the Main Hall. There's a digital panel on a wall, perhaps it stores some worthy information about the artifact whereabouts. I need you to violate it right now. >>
ZIP: << Got it, wait just a second... OK, let's see what we got here. >>

- Mastermind Puzzle:
(Password: 0426)

ZIP: << Hmm, the passcode must be 0426, let's try it then... YESSS! I cracked it! Tara, the artifact is stored at 5th Floor in the Room 9. You can use the Main Elevator to get up there. >>
TARA: << Roger that. >>

- Main Elevator: ... accf0b.jpg

Tara goes to the Main Elevator and heads up to that Floor.

Once there, she finds herself in a large hall leading to the Artifact Room. But before Tara can enter it, she has to fight against many soldiers patrolling the area.

- 5th Floor hall: ... 905203.jpg

While taking cover behind the middle of a large white marble block in the hall, Tara gives orders to Zip; after he has completed them, she opens fire.

TARA: << Zip, I'm on the 5th Floor inside a hall leading to the Room 9. The area is heavily guarded, as expected. Disable immediately all surveillance cameras and gun turrets, then jam soldiers communications and lock all the electronic doors to block enemy backup. A "party" is about start in here! >>
ZIP: << Just hold on a while... and... OK! Everything done, girl, but the doors haven't closed upon my request. That's quite strange, it's the first time that such a thing happens to an highly expert hacker like me. >>
TARA: << Keep trying to shut them all. And now, let's get the "party" started! >>

- CCTV cameras: ... 4DHR-2.jpg
- Gun turrets: ... beauty.jpg
- Tara's Cover:
the large white marble block on the top of "5th Floor hall" picture, with fewer couchs in the area
- Soldiers:
same as the ones at the VRC entrance

[ ""Kill all enemies by shooting them to defend your Cover for 2 minutes, avoiding to get it destroyed by incoming fire."" ]
- 3rd Person "Time Crisis"-style shooter Minigame, easy difficulty, with "RELOAD!" and "FIRE!" writings appearing in-game
- 30-round x 6 magazines, randomly 2-3 hits per enemy, 20-30 enemies to take down both covering behind couchs and coming from electronic doors, trying to force Tara to surrender by destroying her Cover's right and left sides
- White thin "COVER" Gauge appearing on top center of the screen, emptying transparent when Cover gets hit
- Destroying animation of Cover ( ... part-1.jpg ), only at the left and right sides of the marble block
- Tara crouching behind Cover: ... rus-h4.jpg
- Tara standing behind Cover: ... f588e6.jpg , ... 3a4ad4.jpg
(overall as in the 1st link; view point like in the 2nd link, but slightly raised and with Tara shooting from left to right as in crouching position)
- GAME OVER: If the "COVER" Gauge runs empty, Tara throws her gun in front of enemies, who stop firing, stands with her hands up saying: << OK! OK! I give up! >>. A "GAME OVER" writing appears on screen with a < RETRY > button below
( ... d3d036.jpg )

Once having neutralized the last of them, something strange occurs. All the electronic doors are instantly locked, leaving Tara blocked inside the hall; after a while, the Artifact Room gate opens. A muscled, tall man with armor plates and a horned helmet comes out, screaming aloud.
It's Warner last resort for unwanted visitors. Tara fires at him but he is completely impervious to bullets, only obtaining to make his armor plates and helmet fall to the ground until he's completely naked.
Tara asks Zip to search for intel revealing his weak spot. Zip informs her that he is a legendary ancient Viking warrior known as "The Bull", and the only way to subdue him is to stimulate his sexual desire. And oddly, he enjoys very much clothed sex with young sexy women wearing shiny black clothes.
Tara thanks Zip for his help, switching off radio-communication; after that, drops her SMG, backpack and smart glasses, looses her belt and slowly unzips her catsuit till under her pussy (belly and vagina now clearly exposed) to provoke The Bull, whose cock suddenly grows huge.

- The Bull (has no weapons): ... 7dfc8a.jpg
(with much thinner armor plates and smaller buckle, see next for new helmet)
- The Bull's Helmet: ... 29b2b5.jpg
-The Bull face, hair and beard: ... v=10432265

TARA: << Zip, what's happening? I got stuck inside the hall, all the doors have been locked. >>
ZIP: << I see it. Seems that Warner had an ace in the hole... >>
TARA (after The Bull's been shot till fully naked): << I'm trying to take this enemy down, but bullets are just tickling him and I've almost depleted ammo. Search immediately for some intel, there must be a way to defeat him... >>
ZIP: << I'm looking for it... ... Found it! He's an ancient Viking warrior named "The Bull", they called him so cause he's so powerful in combat that he could beat any enemy by charging them with his helmet. He was revived a year ago by a sexy virgin girl who find him in a forest, she had reportedly an incredibly exciting encounter with him... >>
TARA: << So he's powerful not only in combat ... (smiles, amused) >>
ZIP: << There's some sources reporting that the only way to dominate him is actually... fucking him! And it appears that he really enjoys clothed sex, preferring sexy young girls who wear shiny black outfits. >>
TARA: << Fine, my shiny black catsuit is made for fucking such a BULL! It perfectly exalts my dangerous curves, he just can't resist me! Thanks for the help, Zip, now leave it to me! That's a kind of job I'm very skilled at... (winks sexily) >>

TARA (after dropping SMG, backpack and smart glasses, loosening belt, unzipping her catsuit and looking at The Bull's cock growing huge): << Well, it seems that the true "party" starts now! (winking again) >>

The "SEX MENU" is divided in 4 Scenes in square Frames progressively unlocked, which can all be replayed before proceeding to the ENDING) cinematic (as in "News Reporter 2").
All the Sex Scenes with:
- Tara's entire body within camera view
- Tara wearing her catsuit, with shoulders always covered and the zipper open wide enough to show her belly and vagina when zipping down; starting with half-covered tits, hidden nipples and loosen belt; boots, glasses and gloves on, wrists always covered
(see "Tara's Thumbnail" on next paragraph for more details)
- Tara's hair never on shoulders/tits and never putting her arms under tits
- The Bull never grabbing Tara's arms/hair/tits

The "Sex Scene Interface" consists of the following elements appearing on screen:
- (Top right) < BACK > button, appearing only after < CUM! > animations
- (Top center) "CLIMAX" Gauge: thin transparent bar filling white with no writings inside, only ACTIONS/POSITIONS are capable of filling it (ITEMS cannot); shines bright when Full
- (Top left) < MUSIC (ON/OFF) >, playing a sexual-stimulating soundtrack like that featured in "News Reporter 2" Sex Scenes
- (Left border, bottom to top) ACTIONS/POSITIONS buttons, start appearing above Tara's Thumbnail
- (Bottom left) Tara's Thumbnail, with < BELT >, < BOOTS >, < GLASSES > and < GLOVES > buttons over it
(wear/remove each ITEM, with < BELT > being removed/fastened upon the open or semi-open catsuit): ... -lyons.jpg
(full body thumbnail on screen);
< NIPPLES > button instead to show/hide nipples
(Examples: ... cc5826.jpg , ... 523667.jpg )
- (Bottom center) 5 SPEED buttons: < STOP >, < LOW >, < MID >, < HIGH > and < MOVE >
(this latter to manually move the cursor diagonally, horizontally or vertically depending on each ACTION/POSITION and unlocked after < CUM! > animations)
- (Bottom right) < VIEW > button, to change camera view point
- (Right border, bottom to top) ACTIONS/POSITIONS buttons

1st SCENE, top left Frame of "SEX MENU")
^ EXCITE ^: Make Tara continuously zipping up-down her catsuit (from under pussy until "zipper default/highest point" below tits and vice versa) by manually moving the cursor/zipper up and down a certain number of times until filling the "CLIMAX" Gauge
(( NOTE: Movement speed of the cursor doesn't affect the time required for filling it! ))
- Tara's Thumbnail
- < AUTO-ZIP > (Tara zipping up-down automatically, appearing along with Bottom center SPEED buttons only after manually filling of the "CLIMAX" Gauge is completed)
- All < SPEED > buttons (only < MOVE > used for ^ EXCITE ^), appear along with < AUTO-ZIP > button only after "CLIMAX" Gauge is Full
- < CUM! > (push button, then move the cursor over her < FACE! > or between her < TITS! >)
- < BACK > (return to "SEX MENU")

2nd SCENE, top right Frame of "SEX MENU")
^ Standing DOGGYSTYLE ^: Tara leaning on the white marble block center without bullet holes, now semi-transparent to show her entire body: ... /0_115.jpg
(zipped down, exposed belly clearly visible, ponytail in front of Tara as in pic) , ... 5/4_23.jpg
(ponytail still in front of Tara)
- < VIEW > (2 options: FRONT quarter and REAR quarter; starts from front quarter, click to change it to rear quarter, again for front quarter and so forth): check the previous two links
- Tara's Thumbnail
- < SPANK > (The Bull spanks Tara once, randomly on right or left butt cheek, which stay within the suit; push again or hold for repeatedly spanking)
- All < SPEED > buttons for ^ Standing DOGGYSTYLE ^
- < CUM! > (abundant sperm around Tara's ass and on the floor)
- < BACK >

3rd SCENE, bottom left Frame of "SEX MENU")
^ Standing SPOON ^: ... ddams9.jpg , ... 8tm6v4.jpg
(Realize this position by mixing elements from the 2 links as follows: Tara's appearance, head, arms and legs position like Catwoman from the 2nd link, with her right hand behind The Bull's head; her left hand leaning against the white marble block, along with exposed belly and vagina and The Bull grabbing only her right leg like in the 1st link; lastly, show also her heels)
- Tara's Thumbnail
- All < SPEED > buttons for ^ Standing SPOON ^
- < CUM! > (abundant sperm around Tara's vagina and on the floor)
- < BACK >

All ACTIONS/POSITIONS in this Scene have their own "Independent" SPEED buttons (all except < MOVE >) and they can be executed at the same time, with equal or different speeds; all "Dependent" ACTIONS/POSITIONS from previous Scenes instead needed to be matched with the SPEED buttons at the Bottom center, since each of them overwrites the execution of the previous "Dependent" ACTION/POSITION (except < SPANK >, which can be pressed at anytime).
Example of "Independent" ACTIONS/POSITIONS (< TITFUCK > + < SUCK >): ... o1_500.gif

4th SCENE, bottom right Frame of "SEX MENU")
- < VIEW >, 3 options: FRONT, RIGHT and LEFT; The Bull now being semi-transparent and Tara's boobs always around his cock: ... -06-51.jpg
(left view; flip horizontally for right view) , ... ots/1.jpg/
(front view; belly shown, her hands like in < TITFUCK > instead)
- < LICK (Dickhead) >
- < SUCK > (Blowjob)
- < SHAKE >:
- < TITFUCK >: ... o1_500.gif
- Tara's Thumbnail
- 4 < SPEED > buttons (all except < MOVE >) for each "Independent" ACTION/POSITION, none at the Bottom center now
- < CUM! >, over face and on inner halves of tits
- < BACK >
(( Note that both < LICK > and < SUCK > can be mixed each one with < SHAKE > or < TITFUCK > and vice versa, but it's not possible to combine with each other neither the previous two nor the other two ))

- Tara's enjoying/moaning face expressions: , ... review.jpg , ... ew.mp4.jpg
- Tara's speech during Sex Scenes:
<< Oh YESSS! The hardest cock ever, right in my pussy! >>
(smiling) << YES! YES! YES! YES! >>
<< C'mon, fuck me hard! Fuck me, fuck me, FUCK MEEEEEE! >>
<< I wanna feel your huge BULL cock inside my ass, give it to me! >>
<< WOOOW!!! Such a powerful BULL you are! >>
(before < CUM! > animations) << Give it to me! (sexily winks after cum) >>

Push < NEXT > button, now appearing below the Frames in the "SEX MENU", for the ENDING) clip.

With The Bull fallen asleep, Tara makes a comment about his sex performance.

TARA (now with her cheeks turned red for the heat felt during her sex encounter; tits half-covered again, without her smart glasses):
<< WOW!!! Never had before such a huge and hard dick hitting so powerfully my hot pussy! For sure, that's my best fuck until now! I see now the true reason for which they call him "The Bull"! I should come to visit him more frequently... (winks sexily) >>

Tara stands up and zips up her catsuit. Because of the astounding excitement, her large breast size temporarily got slightly larger (only a little bit), so the zipper stops below her tits as usually for a while, then suddenly slides down fast her cunt and stucks in there.

TARA: << Oops! My zipper got stuck! ... Fine, I'll proceed back to the exit with my catsuit open. >>

Looking back at The Bull lying exhausted on the ground, she notices that his sperm on the floor shines very bright and realizes that the artifact she was trying to steal actually was... the Bull's Sperm!

TARA: << Wait a sec, but... this light... his sperm is shining so brightly... I see now, that's the artifact I've been tracking till now!!! ( Tomb Raider "Secret found" soundtrack: )
Who knows, maybe it possesses some special properties, but why an old man like Warner would be interested in such a unique relic... Perhaps just for money?
But keeping an artifact stored inside a nearly invincible man, that's very clever!!! OK, now gotta bring a sample of this Sperm back home to analyze it later... >>

Tara "crouches" on her knees (( "sounds similarly to her surname, coincidence?" )), licks some Sperm on the ground and then goes to a nearby bathroom (completely forgetting her equipment she'd left inside the hall before entertaining The Bull, as she is still enjoying the pleasure felt during such a tremendously intense sex night).
She grabs a soap bottle, empties it and spits inside it the precious Sperm; returns then to the ground floor via the Main Elevator and to facility entrance for escape
(rear view of Tara when she heads to the elevator, much like "Tomb Raider" old-style classic games, turning to front view and standing still for 3 seconds, then pushing the Ground Floor button in the elevator; randomly alternate front, rear and quarter views until she reaches the entrance).

- Tara crouching to lick The Bull's Sperm Artifact (first appears as in the 1st link, then like in the 2nd one; belly exposed as usually): ... _14big.jpg , ... _10big.jpg
- Bathroom:
- Soap bottle: ... SS350_.jpg


P.S.: If there's too much material to realize the entire game, let me know so we can discuss which parts should be cut, also to be used for a possible Part 2. Sorry for being redundant at some points and writing too many details and links: as told in my first topic on the forum, I'm a meticulous guy. Hope you enjoyed it! :)

Re: "Cock Raider: A Fucking Legendary Encounter"

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:21 pm
by anonymoosefan
Alternate title suggestion: Womb raider?

Love me some Lisa Ann though!

Re: "Cock Raider: A Fucking Legendary Encounter"

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2018 9:44 pm
by Jack Al Sato
anonymoosefan wrote:
Sun Aug 26, 2018 4:21 pm
Alternate title suggestion: Womb raider?

Love me some Lisa Ann though!
Any title similar enough to the current one would work fine for me: in my previous topic I asked if people preferred "Cock Raiser: ..." over "Cock Raider: ..." indeed, but lastly chose the 2nd one cause it seemed more consistent with the plot of this project (as the Artifact which Tara was looking for is "found" inside The Bull's cock, then it clearly appears she's a Cock Raider! :lol: ...).
I've already found elsewhere both "Cock Rider" ( ... r-lara.jpg ) and "Womb Raider" ( ... SY445_.jpg ), as far as I could see none of these has been already employed here on MNFGames, so they seem all viable titles. Just need to check if they've not been overused on other sites, if a more original title is being preferred.
But what I really care and hope is that someone would like this concept so much to use it for an upcoming submission request.
And possibly, also some other drafts I will post when ready, if I still can't upgrade to Premium account.
Anyway, thanks for the suggestion. ;)

About Lisa Ann, she's among my favourite pornstars, I was inspired also by this video: ... 2025109433
It's from an old show that unfortunately seems unavailable now, in which however her skin color/tan isn't the same all over body (something I absolutely don't like). And I haven't watched any porn scene where she's just wearing a shiny black long-sleeved catsuit with front zipper like these ones from my concept and the above video, no scene during which she fucks some guy while being dressed like that (I've only found a scene from Brazzers name "Top Hung", but she's donning a blue one with back zipper instead, and only during the first half).
I lastly chose her over other pornstars for this game project, who however will be probably featured in other drafts I'm evaluating for future development, along with music/cinema/TV celebrities.

Re: "Cock Raider: A Fucking Legendary Encounter"

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 1:36 am
by Ruizik
Cool plot of the game, I think many would play this, only the sex scenes can be made harder, as in the woodman xxx video there are a lot of interesting scenes that can be included as game moments, I think this will only add interest to the game, so it can be very interesting revision of the game.