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Thinking Too Much About : Tilda Von Titantanks

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 2:31 am
by EnigmaticOnion
Certain characters here on MNFGames have a bit of a story to them. Some are episodic and largely unrelated, though connected, like the Officer Juggs games (still waiting for Lust for Sail part 2, by the way). Others are telling one interwoven narrative, as in the Cassie Cannons games. Tilda Von Titabtanks seems to be straddling the middle here, no pun intended. Her initial three games were all one continuous narrative, then a two episode arc, a stand alone, another two episode arc, another stand alone, what seemed to be a finale of sorts, another two episode arc, and now some scattered cameos.
As someone who cares about character and plot, I see a lot of potential for the character. Tilda is probably my favorite of the MNF characters, and I want to see more of her. But I don’t just want more of Tilda having sex, but more of those narrative beats between bangings. I know that isn’t why most of us are here, but maybe some of you will be interested in this, what is basically a guide to Tilda Von Titantanks, or give you some ideas for a new game. I don’t exactly trust myself to write characters I haven’t created, or write sex scenes myself.
Sticking to games Tilda appears in. Even though she appears in Boobelma and Cassie Cannons, I won’t get into those games, but only Tilda’s role in them and how they may possibly fit into a rough timeline.

Game #1 - Hellbound Boobies

Overview - Acts as Tilda’s introduction. We learn her backstory, her motivations, and a bit of her personality. All in all a good place to start.

Important Lore - Tilda was the leader of a biker gang, the Ballbusters. She is the only survivor after a demon attack, which led her to the church to exact revenge as a demon hunter. Tilda can and will use her body to get what she wants.

Game #2 - Hellbound Boobies 2

Overview - Tilda fights the legions of hell to get to the demon that killed her gang. When she reaches it, the fight does not go well, to say the least.

Important Lore - Tilda can kick ass, as long as you play the game well. Still, demon lords are powerful. The game ends with Tilda as a slave to the Demon Lord.

Game #3 - Tilda’s Torment

Overview - Tilda is…tormented. That pretty much sums it all up.

Important Lore - Nothing, really. The last line of the game is one of the demons vowing to break Tilda, which wouldn’t seem important, except that the next game is…

Game #4 - Return of Tilda - Boomtown Wrestling

Overview - After escaping hell and putting her demon hunting life behind her, Tilda turns to stripping and dancing, before trying to get a more lucrative job at Boomtown Wrestling. All she needs to do is impress Goodman.

Important Lore - More important for what is missing, really. See Unanswered Questions. Tilda getting the job may prove to be more important than we initially believe.

Game #5 - Return of Tilda - Boomtown Wrestling Part 2

Overview - Tilda fights Strawhat McGee. She loses.

Important Lore - Despite being a badass biker babe and (at this point former) demon hunter, Tilda loses. Is she just out of practice? Or is there something supernatural about Strawhat? (There is some VERY UNCONVINCING evidence in one of the Officer Juggs games, but considering his performance in this game, the possibility is worth mentioning.)

Game #6 - A Very Tilda Thanksgiving

Overview - Tilda and Bakka make a thanksgiving meal, then has sex with Bakka because…reasons?

Important Lore - Nothing of note, really. In terms of story, it can be skipped. Tilda obviously doesn’t like Bakka, but he manages to force her (not cool, Bakka) to give him a blowjob, but the next two scenes seem more willing. Not exactly enjoyable, but more willing. At the very least, this game gives us a wider connection to the MNF world than we had before.

Game #7 - Back on the Road Part 1

Overview - In order to leave town, Tilda needs her bike fixed, But in order to get the parts, she needs to…well, you know.

Important Lore - Serves as the impetus for Tilda to return to her demon hunting life, as we will see in future games. Sometime of note here, this seems to be the first time Tilda enjoys sex, when it is with Phil McCracken.

Game #8 - Back on the Road Part 2

Overview - Tilda returns to the Friar and meets Calvin, returns to demon hunting. A new cult of demon worshipers has sprung up. Tilda and Calvin must collect relics to stop them.

Important Lore - The introduction of the Friar being the most important. Notably, he has yet to seduce (or even attempt to seduce) Tilda, and is knowledgeable about demons, giving credibility to the idea of him being the Big Good. Though it hasn’t led to anything yet, we are introduced to Calvin as an ally. More connections to the greater MNF world through Gwen and Gloria.
From here on out things get tricky, timeline wise, so I’ll add an extra note to these games about where I feel they fit in.

Game #9 - Apocalypse

Overview - The end of the world has come. Tilda tries to fight it off, but is returned to hell where punishment awaits.

Important Notes - This could be seen as the end of Tilda’s story, or possibly the end of the Tilda we know. Then again, it might not. See Unanswered Questions.

Place in the timeline - The end. Probably.

Game #10 - Beast Within (can’t find it on MNFGames anymore, for some reason)

Overview - The Friar tasks Tilda with going after a beast at a roadside bar. She doesn’t do well.

Important Lore - None. It does bring up the ‘wasn’t she supposed to be a badass biker demon hunter?’ question again, though.

Place in the Timeline - Sometime after Back on the Road and Apocalypse.

Game #12 - Whorona Virus

Overview - Tilda gets the Hoe-vid(?).

Important Lore - None

Place in the Timeline - Mentioned in Confession, so before that, after Back on the Road Part 2.

Game #13 - Tilda’s Confession

Overview - Tilda confesses of her recent lust to Brother Calvin.

Important Lore - Solidifies Tilda’s growing lust. We know she’s used her body to get what she wants before. Does it stem from that, or something more sinister?

Place in the Timeline - After Whorona Virus, before Apocalypse (likely).

Game #14 - 1001 Spells

Overview - Tilda is tasked with taking the 1001 Spells by infiltrating a harem.

Important Lore - If where I place it in the timeline is correct, establishes Tilda working for the church before her first game, Hellbound Boobies.

Place in the Timeline - Possibly before everything else. No mention of the apocalypse. Considering her dancing…ummm…’skills’ in this game compared to Return, I’m pretty sure this one comes first.

Game #15 - Boobelma Gets Spooked 8 and 8.5

Overview - Tilda shows up in the multiverse. Also she gets turned into a man for a little while.

Important Lore - We may have multiple Tildas running around. The one we’ve followed since Hellbound Boobies would still be in hell. The Boobelma series does work on multiple dimensions.

Place in the Timeline - Assuming this is the same Tilda, before Hellbound Boobies. Otherwise, it can fit anywhere.

Game #16 - Tilda’s Christmas Lesson

Overview - Tilda catches Santa. He promptly has sex with her.

Important Lore - Nothing of note.

Place in the Timeline - Either before Hellbound Boobies or sometime between Back on the Road Part 2 and Apocalypse.

Game #17 - Cassie Cannons 5 - Trial of Lust

Overview - Tilda helps Cassie escape from a cult.

Important Lore - Tilda’s knowledge of demons is getting better. A return to the cult story (if it is the same cult).

If I’m missing any games, let me know.

Unanswered Questions

The answers provided are merely possibilities, and only the possibilities I thought might work from a story standpoint. I’m sure there are a million others that could work just as well.

What is going on with the accent? Tilda’s accent wasn’t very strong in the first few games. It became far more noticeable in Return, where she specifically tells us she is German (until then, I thought she just had German heritage, but wasn’t actually from there). This could easily be just the character growing in a way to diversify her from the rest of the MNF cast, but I want to stick with in story justification. It could be a curse the demon lord inflicted when she escaped hell, just something to mess with her. She doesn’t appear to notice how much thicker it has gotten with each subsequent game. Could be nothing. Could be something.

Was Tilda truly the only survivor of the Ballbusters? It isn’t unheard of in stories to have the ‘lone survivor’ not be a lone survivor. If you want to get your badass OC biker babe woven into the Tilda tapestry, this would probably be the best way to do that.

What about the cult that summoned the demon? We know nothing about it. Were they truly all wiped out, or was that just a small section of the cult? Is this new cult just the old one with a new coat of paint, or are they even a new cult at all?

How did Tilda escape from the demon lord? If she had help from the church or fellow demon hunters, she probably wouldn’t have left that life to become a stripper (though that isn’t an impossibility). Considering all of her fellow bikers in the Ballbusters were killed, maybe one of her comrades in hell helped her escape (another OC insert possibility). Though considering her final words in Hellbound Boobies 2 there is another, more sinister possability. She was meant to escape. Tilda is still a slave to the demon lord, even if she doesn’t know it. She may be working against the Friar and Calvin without even knowing it (or worse, being completely aware).

Why isn’t she a badass after Return? Either taking a year off demon hunting really took a toll on her (though she did dance during that time), Strawhat McGee and Bakka are really that strong, those two have some sort of demonic pact that gives them power, or the demon lord sapped Tilda’s strength before she escaped from hell. Officer Juggs : Nightmare involves Strawhat getting it on with Jasmine. Whether this was just a run of the mill nightmare or spectral shenanigans (which isn’t new to the Officer Juggs games) remains to be seen.

Why does she enjoy sex with Phil McCracken? After escaping hell, Tilda has sex with Goodman, Strawhat, Bakka, Billy Bob Bodine, and Phil McCracken. While there is enjoyment with all of them, to an extent (probably nothing that would hold up in court), Phil is the only one she enjoys from start to finish. The rest of them may be in league with, possessed by, or empowered by demons, perhaps even the very demon lord Tilda seeks revenge on. If that were the case, Phil would certainly have a different ‘feel’ to him during coitus. Perhaps that feeling is, to Tilda, a relief.

Is Apocalypse really the end? Apocalypse could turn out to be a dream or a vision of the future. Tilda may have unwittingly and unknowingly caused the apocalypse (see ‘How did Tilda escape’ above). She may have been working for the demon lord the whole time, a willing sex slave, and fooled us, the audience, when we saw her during those games (another game to fill in those blanks would cement this idea). The apocalypse could have just been in that one area, not the whole world, as a way to return Tilda to hell,a trap of sorts. This option would leave the later games and all subsequent ones to being prequels. The Tilda we know could be from another timeline/dimension, as with all connecting characters (Gwen, Gloria, Bakka, etc.), and the Tilda in the MainMNFUniverse is the one we see in Cassie Cannons 5. Or a Tilda (or Tildas) from alternate dimensions could be the ones to stop the apocalypse (including the ones from 1001 Spells and the Boobelma games).

What do you think? Comprehensive? Overly long and complicated? Did it give you any ideas? Should I overthink another character on MNFGames?

I’m just an onion who overthinks things.

Re: Thinking Too Much About : Tilda Von Titantanks

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2022 1:07 pm
by Marabunta
I love how you've strung together all the Tilda lore so far. It would definitely be interesting if "Thinking Too Much Above" became a kind of "series" here on the forum, where you go over the history of other MNF characters.

Re: Thinking Too Much About : Tilda Von Titantanks

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:44 pm
by Bartman
The Tilda games were always my favorites. Unfortunately, she lost a lot of her charm after Back on the Road Part 2, and everything that came after was more filler for me. That's why I'd love to see a remake of the series. I had written a script a long time ago about how she escaped from hell.
Since you are familiar with the Tilda series, I would love to hear your opinion on a remake.

If you want to read the script, here's the link.
