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Game idea for Mighty Mom

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:10 am
by BigSabre
I posted this a few months back but with Chloe's new game out I thought I could see my chances if that's cool!

So Mighty Mom has always defeated the villains after she's regained her powers through sex etc... So, what if we introduce a character who always pushes his limits and strives to get stronger and stronger. I.e Goku!
Goku loves to fight powerful opponents and hears rumours of M.Mom, travels to MnF Metropolis, asks MM to train with him and she agrees. Goku being the dumb idiot he is, doesn't know how her energy works at first and MM doesn't know the capabilities of Goku so the player can choose who wins!
Goku loves to fight so this turns him on and MM needs to use the advantage of Goku's hard cock to keep her energy up to continue fighting. But Goku eventually learns how MM's energy keeps recovering and makes sure to fuck her in-between each round so she can get back to full power and can keep training!


Goku's build

Our hero this time, is a martial artist called Son Goku, a self improving type who wants to get stronger and stronger. You've heard it all before so let's cut to it! He hears the rumours of a strong hero called Mighty Mom and has been "throbbing" for a good challenge for a long time now! So he heads straight to MnF Metropolis, hopeful for some real intense action! Will Mighty Mom accept the challenge? Do either of them know what they're getting themselves into? Let's find out!

**Goku flying to MnF**
Goku: "Hey! I'm finally here! I can't wait to meet this Mighty Mom; the rumours say she's supposed to be really strong! It's been a while since I had some proper fun. I hope she agrees to fight me, I can't see why not.
Hey! That looks like a police person, maybe he knows where she is?"

**Goku floating Infront of Watson**
Goku: "Hi, my name's Goku! Do you know a hero called Mighty Mom? I'm looking for her so we can fight"
Watson: "Whoa, you're flying!? You must be a super, you're not here to cause trouble are you?"
Goku: "What!? No, of course not! I'm here to train with her is all, so do you know her or not?"
Watson: "huh, train? ... I'm sure everyone in this city would want to "train" with Mighty Mom... Haha. Yanno, I'm pretty proud to say I helped her in ways everyone wished they could ahahaaaaa ... Ahhh ... Okay, you seem pretty pleasant and not the city destroying type. She can usually be found flying above the city or in her tower. It's the one with the big M on it!"
Goku: "I have no idea what you're talking about but thank yooooou! Oh and uh ... Have a nice day stranger, it is an honour for you to meet me,
(Thinking) Yeah! King Kai is always telling me to be more polite"
Watson: "what the fuck? ... Well, good luck to him I guess"

**Goku finds Mighty Mom standing on top of her tower**
Goku: "So you're Mighty Mom? You definitely seem strong!"
M.Mom: " uhhh hi there, how can I help you? It's rare we get people who can fly in this city"
Goku: "My name's Goku! It's been a long time since I had a good training session so I would really like if you could show me your power. I've heard you're really strong"
M.Mom: "wait ... You're THE Son Goku!? I've heard stories though I didn't know if you were real. And you're asking me to train with you? I'm honoured!"
Yanno, It's been a long while since I've done any training of my own; my son has been so lazy lately he's pretty much a couch potato"
Goku: "Haaa, that's funny! I know a few people named after vegetables ..."
M.Mom: "uhh right, you know what Goku. You've intrigued me, and seeing as there's not much happening right now I could spend some time training"
Goku: "really!?!? That's great!! WOOHOO!!"
M.Mom: "jeeez someone is excited, let's head out of the city. Somewhere more quiet"
Goku: "ohhhh yeah!! You just read my mind Mighty Mom, this is gonna be fun!"

**Goku, MM fly out of the city, to quiet waste lands**
**Goku and MM look at eachother like this... ↓↓↓ ... id=4638990

Goku: "I've been looking forward to this, give me all you've got!"
M.Mom: "Alright! You asked for it!"

You guys might think of something different but I thought it could go:
Game - sex - game - sex - game - sex - game - (unlockable) sex.
Each round there's a total of 25 clicks for the player to successfully tap. If the player gets 90/100, in total after all the rounds, they unlock the final sex scene and have the option for Goku to win, if it's below 90 it ends with just 3 sex scenes and MM is the winner.
General Dragon Ball, clash fighting.
Just sparks of BANGS, lighting, dust etc then every 5 clicks it shows a still image of either the following:
-MM in a full Nelson
-Goku's head in MM's boobs
MM in Goku's crotch with his dick against her face
-Both of them holding hands like ↓↓↓ ... id=5253961

Goku: "what's the matter? This isn't all you've got is it? You're attacks are getting weaker"
M.Mom: "Damn he's right, I'm gonna have to regain some energy if I want to keep this up ... ... ... That shouldn't be a problem considering how hard his dick is! Jeeez, I can see it from here! He must really get off on this... I know! A quick blow job should be enough, it shouldn't be that hard to get him in position"

Goku: "what the? What is this technique?"
M.Mom "damn, you've got a nice rod Son Goku!"
Goku: "this feels ... Different"
M.Mom: "afraid you can't keep up?"
M.Mom: "just a bit more"
Goku: "ahhhh
M.Mom: "you okay down there?"
licking pussy option
Goku: "okay, let's see how you like it!"
M.Mom: (thinking) ohhh, now we're talking! I'll be back to full power in no time!"
Goku: "ahhhh, hang on ... ... you have more energy!"
M.Mom: "mmhmm, ready for more big boy?"

M.Mom: "damn, Goku really packs a wallop and I'm getting low on energy again. I'm gonna have to get more this time. Good job he's still rock hard!"
Hey Goku! You like this?"

**M.Mom powers up and rips all her clothes off**

Goku: "I guess I'll do the same?"

**Goku powers ups and rips off clothes**

SEX SCENE 2: REVERSE COWGIRL (but MM is trying restrain him. Like ...)
M.Mom: (thinking) "okay here goes" ...
M.Mom: "ohhhh baby that's good"
Goku: "this again?"
M.Mom: "oh fuck yeaaah"
Goku: " wait how is your energy rising again"
M.Mom: "wouldn't you like to know"
End of medium
Goku: "Ohhh I get it, this technique gives you energy!"
M.Mom: "So, he's figured it out!"
Goku: "Well in that case..."
(Goku thrusting back)
Goku: "hyaaa"
M.Mom: "w-what the? Oh fuck baby, what are you doing?"
Goku: "getting you back to full power, I told you! I want a good fight"
M.Mom: "oh shiiiiit
Goku: "come on, we ain't done yet!"

MINI-GAME 3 (but this time, in the still images in they are naked and blushing)

SEX SCENE 3: DOGGY STYLE (but Goku has her arms in each hand restraining her)
M.Mom: "okay Goku, you win. *Pant* I can't keep up anymore"
Goku: "whaaaaat? This can be it?"
Goku: "let's get you back to full power"
M.Mom: "oh my fuckin god!"
M.Mom: "I'm going crazy, you're so goooood"
Goku: "yeah I'm enjoying this training too!"
M.Mom: "ohhhh fuuuuuuuuuck"
Goku: "just a bit moooore!!!"
Goku: "come on! I know you've got more in you!"
M.Mom: "*pant* *pant* o-kay"

MINI-GAME 4: if the player doesn't have 90 points or higher M.Mom wins! (See scene below) (+ apologies about the 4 sex scenes, but I think it plays well into the fact that Goku is M.Mom's biggest challenge yet!)

Goku: "YES! Just what I was thinking! Let's give you some more energy!"
M.Mom: "(thinking) I need to end this now! Or this may never end!
Bring it on Goku!!"
M.Mom: "*mooann* you're dick is too good!"
Goku: "and don't you forget it!"
M.Mom: "oh, *pant* oh... Face it Goku, you can't win! *pant* our energy reserves are different! The more we do this! The longer I last!"
Goku: "and that's why I must do this! To become stronger!"
M.Mom: "oh shiiiiiiiiiit"
Goku: " this is everything I've got!"
M.Mom: "I'm cummmmmmmminnnnnnnggg!
Goku: "Rrrrrrrrrrr"
M.Mom: "oh baby *pant* how are you still going??"
**Goku goes Super Saiyan!!**
Cum again!!
M.Mom: "Sooo much cum!!"

**Goku and Mighty Mom fall to the floor in a puff of smoke**

Now the player chooses who wins!

** Mighty Mom laying on top of Goku with a tit in his mouth and his cock in her hand* something like ...

M.Mom: "I told you Goku, you couldn't win"
Goku: "mmmpmmm"
M.Mom: "But you're more than welcome to train with me again anytime"

**Goku plowing M.Mom in missionary but she has stars and love hearts in her eyes**

Goku: "Best. Training. Eveeeer!!! We ain't done yet Mighty Mom! I can feel myself getting closer to a new level!"
M.Mom: "oh babyyyy. I've ... *pant* never been ... *Moan* overloaded so much before!"


Re: Game idea for Mighty Mom

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:57 am
by BigSabre
Any feedback on this would be great 😄 I'm a big fan of this site despite being quite new here.

Hope you guys like the idea! 🤘 With the Naruto, One Piece and other famous toons on here I'm quite surprised there is no Dragon Ball so I thought I'd throw an idea in with a collab on Mighty Mom. To me, the characters made sense in a scene together

Hope I'm in with a chance of getting it made haha

Cheers 👍