Link's New Year's Eve (game idea)

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Thu Nov 18, 2021 5:40 am

Sooo after my last idea ( viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1401 ) was picked and i liked how it turned out, i thought of doing kind of a follow up to it and was waiting for the end of the Thanksgiving period to submit it to the forum.
I originally thought of it as a Christmas game but i kind of get that the timing is tight, which i didn't really account for with my first idea. Althrough this one is far less ambitious than the previous one i still thought delaying it a week further for New Year's Eve would make it more realizable, just to be sure (also if it's delayed further it could be adapted to be something like a birthday or just no event in particular).
Like before i still don't really have the possibility to get a premium account so i can't submit it with the form, so if someone wants to submit it feel free to do so!
Anyway, it's a game that kind of connects the Zelda and Nintendolls MNF universes. It takes place a few years after Twilight Fuck and isn't really like the other MNF Zelda games, as it isn't a parody of an actual game, it just takes place in the same universe.


Zelda, Midna, Link, Oni Link
Like before, those are all returning characters so their appearance can be reused.

SYNOPSIS (I noticed too late i didn't include one in my first idea lmao)

After using the Magical Lute and the Song of Sex to make Zelda and Midna fall for him, Link began doing as he pleased with them. However, as time passed, he noticed his control over them was getting weaker, with them becoming less and less obedient, even going to parties by themselves without him. Frustrated, he began searching in the royal family's magical artifact collection to see if something could help him, determined to have them spend New Year's Eve with him.


Narrator: A few years have passed since Link was able to use the Magical Lute to make Zelda and Midna his. All seemed well at first, however as time went on, the power of the lute was beginning to wear off, and they were becoming more and more stubborn. They eventually started refusing to celebrate events with him.
This year, after they spent their Christmas in some unknown place, Link decided he wanted them to stay with him for New Year's Eve.

[Link, Zelda and Midna are standing in the royal bedroom]
Link: Hey girls!
Zelda: Oh... hi Link.
Midna: Hey. Anyway, as I was-
Link: Erm, I was wondering...
Midna: Oh, what is it now?
Link: Well, I just think as lovers we should spend more time together. Which is why I decided I would spend New Year's Eve with you girls!
Midna: Ugh.
Zelda: Err, sorry Link, that won't be possible... I already have things planned...
Midna: Yeah, same.
Link: Oh, come on! You girls belong to me, right? What's the point if you never do as I say?!
Midna: Pfft, belong to you, yeah right.
Zelda: ...Listen Link, can't you just spend New Year's Eve with some of the other girls you got with that lute or whatever?
Just because we're technically together doesn't means we can't do stuff on our own.
Link: ...Yeah, yeah, whatever, I get it. I'm out.
(He leaves)
Zelda: ...
Midna: ...Anyway, so, where was I?

[Scene changes to the castle's basement]
Link: The royal family keeps a bunch of weird stuff here. There must be something that can help me...

[He opens a chest to reveal the Fierce Deity mask]

Link: Huh? What is this?
It looks like a mask... But if it was here that means it must have some kind of magical properties. Maybe I could try it...?

[He puts on the mask and turns into Oni Link]
Oni Link: Holy shit! Look at that body! I look like a bodybuilder!
..Wait. It seems to have affected some of my items too. Don't tell me...

[He pulls out the Magical Lute, which has transformed to look like an electric guitar. The design could be inspired by Oni Link's sword: ]
Oni Link: Damn, amazing! With this, I'm sure I'll be able to make them mine for good.

[He goes back to the bedroom, where the girls are still talking]
Oni Link: Hey again!
Zelda: Oh, Link you...HUH?!
Wait, what is that?!
Midna: This magical power... no way... Link, where did you...
Oni Link: Enough talk! Time for some music!

[He plays the lute, which hypnotizes the girls]
Oni Link: Fuck yeah! It seems to be working!
So girls, are you gonna spend New Year's Eve with me?
Zelda and Midna: Sure! We'd love to!

Sex scene 1 : Double titfuck
Cums on their faces and bodies

Sex scene 2 : Zelda is sucking his dick while Midna is giving him a rimjob
Cums inside Zelda's mouth

Sex scene 3: Midna is riding his cock while Zelda is sitting on his face, with him licking her pussy
Cums inside Midna's pussy. Zelda cums on his face.

After that the game ends. I only included 3 sex scenes to make sure it was doable, obviously if you guys feel like it you can add one (or change one if one is too hard to make).

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Wed Dec 01, 2021 1:40 pm

Yes! I really like your script. Twilight Fuck is one of my favorite MNF games. I always wanted to get Zelda and Midna together again having a threesome with Link :D
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Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:03 am

Once again, if your idea somehow wins, I will re-subscribe just to play the game.

Good Luck
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Mon Dec 13, 2021 1:21 am

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Fri Dec 17, 2021 7:00 am

Glad you guys like it haha, it's probably not gonna get made at this point though since they have their own plans which is understandable. But it could always be edited to be submitted later
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