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Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:24 am

Hiya, I'm just a guy with too much free time, and I wanted to make a story about Gwen. Out of all the MNF characters, Gwen became my favorite, and I think it's a real shame that we haven't seen much of her outside of a cameo with Tilda. I'm not the best with writting dialogue, so I'll just focus on settings and go bit by bit. May have multiple posts.

Setting: Gwen's school in multiple locations, Gwen's house
Main Characters: Gwen, three nerds (Chubby, Hippie, Black), Dad

[ Geek Girl Gwen: Local Horse]

It's a brand new school day. Gwen gets ready to head outside and go to school. She says goodbye to her dad, a single father, and is greeted by hippie nerd.

Hippie: "Hey Gwen"

Gwen: "Hey!"

Dad: "Gwen, whose that?

Gwen: "Just one of my friends, we're walking together! Bye!"

The two start their walk down the sidewalk to school. it's early in the morning, well before the school even allow the students to enter. The nerds are all apart of the football club (forcefully) and have to show up early to school for "mandatory" practice. Gwen herself just likes going to school, and has never been tarty before outside of being skip or an emergency. While walking, Hippie starts to walk very close to Gwen, to the point he almost makes her trip.

Gwen: "Hey!"

Hippie: "Oh sorry Gwen, my bad."

Gwen: "I'm alright, what's wrong?"

Hippie: "Nothing, nothing. I'm just...cold. Forgot to bring my jacket. Is it okay I stay close to you, ya know, to stay warm?"

Gwen (innocently): "Oh sure! I don't want you to get sick1"

Hippie steps so close to Gwen, and walks to closely after each step, she has to lean on him to keep her balance. Hippie takes that chance to a hold on to one of her ass cheeks the entire time, while feeling a stiffy in his pants through his pockets.

They get to school. Hardly anyone is there. They entire the school through the gym and walk down the hall.

For the entire time they've been walking and chatting, Hippie had to deal with sight of Gwen's ass and tights all the way to school. It's fall, but she's still in her uniform that barley fits her. Her boobs might have gotten bigger, as the left one is completely out in the open. He wants to get some ass, but last time they got busted for by the principle for "something". He wouldn't tell them what, but he said 'I got an anonymous type that you've been treating a fellow student poorly. There is zero tolerance such behavior in this school, and if I hear of this gain you will be expelled.'

Gwen: "Sooo..how's the football team"

Hippie: ....(staring at her tits)

Gwen: Hello? Anyone there?


Gwen: Really?

Hippie: yeah its...it's just tough...that's all

Gwen: I never thought you guys would be interested in football, ha! Like, what made you want to try it out.

Hippie (annoyed): Well SOMEONE thought it was a great idea...

Gwen: Who?

Hippie: Ugh...nevermind I forgot...

They make it to the entrance of the gym. Gwen goes for the door, but is bumped in the chest by the Janitor pushing them open strongly.

Gwen: OW!

Hippie: Hey, watch it!

Janitor: pfft, not my problem, fuck off faggots!>

Hippie: Asshole. Man that looked like it hurt. Hey Gwen, you ok-

His words trail off as he sees Gwen competely topess fondling her breasts. It looks like she's checking for bruises.

Hippie: W-what are you DOING?!

Gwen: Hmm? Oh, checking for bruises. Should I wait for the nurse to see them.

Hippie: Umm, yeah! Yeah think?!

Gwen: Okay, I just go a bit worried.

She gets up, and pushes her boobs into his face.

Gwen: Look, I don't know how, but they got so big. They weren't like that before! I might need to go the hospital.

Hippie: ...what? Gwen, no-

Gwen: What if I'm bleeding internally, I might need surgery.

Hippie: GWEN.

Gwen: He might have broken a BONE.

Without saying a word. Hippie grabs both her breasts and begins to pull and suck on them.

Gwen (startled): Um, what are you doing.

Hippie: Your suppose to let other people you trust look for you. You won't see yourself well from that angle.

Gwen: Oh! Yeah good point. Well, are they okay.

Hippie: Hmm, this is bad, You might need an operation after all. Don't worry! I got just the thing for this.

Hippie pulls Gwen into a closet. He thinks she might be playing him. It's just bait to get him in trouble. 'Who new she was that type of girl?'. He decides 'screw it. If I'm going out, she's gonna remember every part of me, and I'm getting my fill of her to last a life time.' He turns around, and looks at gwen.

Hippie: Alright, your SURE the door made your breast so big? Non of this is ringing any bells.

Gwen: Yeah! Oh and uh...no.

Huh, who knew she was THAT type of girl. This'l be easy.

He plops gwen on her knees quickly, like a lamp post being fixed into position, and unbuckles his pants.

Gwen: Uhh...what are you-

Hippie: Ah! This requires alot of concentratoin Gwen. You can talk, but don't ask questions and keep your voice down.

Gwen: Oh, ok-

Before she finishes her sentences, he shoves his cock in her throat. She gags a little when her lips and tonuge hit his balls. With his left hand, he grabs her hair. Twisting it so he has a hand full, pushes on her head with the same hand, and starts moving his hips like a dog in heat. With his right, he grips her left boob firmly like a stress ball

Hippie (groaning): Unf! Yeah, that'! Swirl your tongue around more.

Gwen hears him, but she's confused. She knows he's trying to help, but what does her tongue have to do with it. Swirl it on this thing? She does as she's told and with every thrust, she spins her tounge on this...whatever...like a mixer.

Hippie (internally): Unf! Ah, fuck. I'm already about to blow! She might have looked shocked before, but now she's used to it. She's not even making a sound. All while looking directly at him, never loosing eye contact.

He's right. Now Gwen was taking it like a popsicle in the summer. The janitor's closest was fairly large, and Hippie made sure to put them in the corner that's covered by a partition you can't see when walking in. All the you can hear are his grunts, and the sound of his lips slapping into Gwen's lips. Now his hip movements got a lot shorter, so his cock is barley leaving her mouth at this point.

Hippie: Ha...ha....alright...alright Gwen...this should do it!...ha

Gwen (internally): Do what?

Suddenly, and strange, warm liquid shoots from her mouth. There so much of it, almost all of it drips on her breasts. Gwen starts gagging again, moving to try and get some air.

Hippie: Mnf...ha...uh-uh...nononono you gotta-AH! You gotta, stay still. Don't move...

She stops struggle, letting the warming feeling travel down her throat and into her stomach. Hippie moves back a bit so she can talk, but he keeps his cock in her mouth, moving his hips slowly.

Gwen: What was that? I've never seen this before. Are you okay? Your all sweaty.

Hippie: I'm fine...(ha, I need that. Guess she got a major taste of de ja vu. Does she really not remember?)

Gwen: Um...now what...my breast are still big.

Hippie: Oh, well-

Gwen: Is this stuff like medicine.

Hippie: Yeah! This thing in your mouth is, all the white stuff is good too. You can take it inside or have it shoot on you to work. Your tits are real big though, so we might have to...go again.

Gwen: Okay! Thanks! Just let me know when-

He moves at tops speed again. not using his right hand to hold her neck

Hippie: Ah...fuck yeah ( take it all the way to dumb...dumb bitch) hmnf, fuck.

Just than, the door to the closet open. Black nerd walks in, looking for extra cleaning supplies. Coach assigned him to clean the bathroom as more "mandatory" practice. Hearing grunting and panting, he's shocked to see hippie and with his pants down.

BN: Hey! What are you doing!

Hippie turns his back. his eyes wide but his hips ever so fast and strong.

BN: The fuck are you doing in the corner?!

Hippie: H-hey man...keep it down, will ya? Give us a minute.

'Us?" BN takes a step forward, and can tell it's gwen on the ground based on the clothing and that perfectly plump ass.

BN: What are you doing?! If we get busted again-

Hippie: SHUT.UP. You can see I'm busy, right?

BN: But if coach-

Hippie: We'll be fine.

BN: Why?

Now recognizing her friends voice, Gwen tries to move her head to see him while waving. Hippie turns Gwen's entire body to the side, letting her stare at her, keeping the pace while lifting his shirt with is right hand. Really feeling every suck and thrust in her mouth, trying to hold his moans, he says with a smile and squinted eyes.

"She doesn't remember."

BN: What?

Hippie: C'mere

Hippie whispers in Black nerd's ear. Gwen is looking at the both of them blankly. She's on her toes as she tries to lean forward and keep Hippie's breast healer in her mouth. Black nerd steps back, Hippie shoots again deep down her throught, and with a quick flop and kick to the side of her pants, he says.

"I'll help. Open up.'

Gwen: (coughing) Oh, thanks! Hear that, he's gonna help to-

Gwen's body is yoinked back, and her head adjusted so BN can shove his thing down her throat. He grabs he head with his right hand, gripping firmly while holding his shirt up with his left. Hippie grabs Gwen's right hand, and starts to have her jerk his cock to make him hard again.

BN: Unf...hmnf..(inhale/exhale sharpley) Ah...so what now?

Hippie: I don't know

BN: Focus Gwen. Suck harder, mover your tonug-Ah!. Good, now-

Hippie: Cmon grip me harder.

BN: C'mon, all the way (shoving her deeper)

Hippie: Cmon. Gwen. Harder, faster.

Gwen can't help but think, 'Man, they're really keen on helping me out. What great friends! I gotta remember to thank them for this later.'

BN: (softly) Cmon, don't play, get this dick in yo mouth girl.

Hippie: Since when do you talk that?

BN: Been on shesfreaky.com too much.

Hippie: Weirdo (the two laugh, still moving their hips without slowing down)

BN: So..like I said...

Hippie: I don't know. Talk low just incase, so she doesn't hear us.

BN: (softly) So now what? We have to find a way to keep...her...a secret. I don't want get (unf) expelled.

Hippie: ha, I know. Way I see it, she really doesn't rememebr

BN: (grinnig) Easy, just lead her on

Hippie: And watch your back.

[fist bump]

BN: Ha.Ha.HA!

Hippie: You done yet? I'm bout to blow, and-

Black nerds shoots his shot, hard and deep into Gwen's throat. He postions her head down and holds it in place, like a flower pot pouring water for a flower.

Hippie: Good, my turn. Get up Gwen.

Gwen; Whew! I'm so messy (giggle). What time is it? I think class might be starting so-

The nerds yoink Gwen again, this time talking off all of her and bends her over. Leaving only their own shirts, postioned behind their necks to hold them in place, Hippie takes the back will BN stands infront of Gwen.

Gwen tries to speak and stand up, but they forcefull arch her back lower, and sharply open her legs like a two metal bars being opened by a super hero.

BN: Alright Gwen, open up.

Gwen: Again-(shoves his cock in her throat)

BN: Yes. Again.

BN grips Gwen's head with both hands, and positions her's behind him to hold him closer while moving. Hippie takes aim, taking a deep sigh first, then thrusting his cock in Gwen's tight pussy. He moving his hips as if her owns her house (which I guess now she does).

Gwen: (Mnf)

Hippie (softely): Quiet, Gwen. Hold still and spread your legs.

BN: Cmon, deeper...

Hippie: (repeatedly slapping her ass cheeks with his right hand, holding her hips in place with his left)

Gwen: (Concering, but disconnected gags)

BN: All the way, all the way. Stop playin.

Hippie: (Repeatedly slapping her ass, leans on the wall behind him for support and postions her slightly up)

Gwen: (Mmf!)

BN: You just nailed this....cmon girl. I'm...so...close!

Nobody is talking. The boys are thrusting their hips on instinct now. The pound and slaps on Gwen's butt and face are the only things to fill the echo. Gwen is trying her hardest to keep her balance, while keeping her legs and arms open enough to not get in her friends' way. Then, without a warning, both sides of her a filled with a warm feeling. Both the nerds kept moving there hips, being sure to get as much as possible into their friend. With a loud 'POP", BN leaves her throat alone for a second.

Gwen: ha...ha

Continuing the theme of not talking, they turn Gwen around to so Hippies in the front, and Black nerd is in the back. He, once again, shoves his cock in side, and Hippie makes good use of her throat. BN also makes sure to cum once in her pussy, than goes for her ass.

Hippie: Really? What happend?

BN: Shut up. It's been a while

The school has let the students in, class starts in 15 mins. The two have Gwen flat on her back. Their leaning over her body. Hippie is still in her throat, only now he's on top of her and so far in, you can't see her face. BN is the same, with every thrust slapping louder with the sound of his balls smacking against her asshole. They're sweating so much over Gwen you'd mistake it for body oil.

Making sure as much of their privates are as deep as possible inside her, they let loose one final time. They stay for a few seconds. almost to be sure Gwen feels the two of them finish, and then slowly escape the sexual lure that is her body

All of them are exhausted. Hippie and Black nerd are startled by a ever so curious Gwen saying.

"You think my tits will go back to normal now?"

The two are shock, and a little annoyed when it looks like she isn't phased.

Gwen: Guys?

They get closer, to her. Rubbing along her body while feeling her tits individually. They see she's panting and sweaty too, although she hasn't said stop so...

Black Nerd: I don't know Gwen, they should have started shrinking now.

Hippie: Maybe we need to keep going...

Gwen: Again?

They postion Gwen over Black nerd, and Hippie gets on top. Hippie grabs Gwen hair and breast in his hands, hold her close, both the two of them shove their cocks in her ass and pussy at once. They start moving immeditaly.

Black Nerd: Yeah (unf!), maybe even more then once throughtout the day to be safe.

Gwen: Like, oh my! Let me check the time to be sure we won't be late for-


The sound of cock sucking and pussy fucking can be heard. With Black Nerd fucking Gwen with piston speed, holding her right breast with his left hand, and his right hand placed on her left hip tightly. Hippie, bounces his cock up and down veritcally in her throat, while Gwen lays on her back, her legs held wide open in the air by her hands holding her feet up. Black nerds asks.

BN: What...time is it (ha)?

Hippie (recording): Who cares (unf)?

End of part 1
I should have said this, but this is for fun. I would love and be thrilled if a admin liked this enough to make a new game, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Anyway, I'll be making more, so don't worry :D . I plan to include the nerds one by one, than all together, and her dad. Maybe a little dingy-janitor and chuncky-cafateria worker on the side. Let me know what you think

P.S. Sorry for any spelling errors, I did this in one sitting :|
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:33 am

Yo dude. I would love if Gwen came back for another game, she is super underrated and with a college location with the type of lifestyle students live in, it would be amazing. With the idea Gwen just messing around with more dudes and especially her being oblivious, we need a new part.
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:29 pm

In order to keep it in a safe zone let her attend a college, but not a high school.
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Wed Nov 10, 2021 10:52 pm

I didn't specify it was high School, so a collage setting could work. I just went with the canon of the last game. I still would want the nerds to be there alongside new characters like her dad, the janitor and cafeteria chief. I also just realized how many spelling errors there are :oops: It made some scenes and dialogue have the opposite effect My personal favorites are:

Got the Hospital & His lips smacking her lips

Anyway, glad this got the interest of an admin, that gives me hope. I'll continue this later. Bye-bye. :P
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Thu Nov 11, 2021 10:28 am

I miss Gwen a lot, but I miss the 3 nerds even more! :P Fuck their scenes are so HOT! <3
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Thu Nov 11, 2021 1:53 pm

Before a start, I got some feedback on specifying Gwen being in a collage setting, as oppose to being in highschool. I'd be okay with this, I just would still like to make it possible for the nerds to be there (I want to make them Gwen's main posy. For more scene potential and shit). I didn't say they were in HS to begin with, so it doesn't bother me. To keep it consistent, I'm going to stick with what I already said before and keep going. Your free to interpret it and give your opinions as you see fit.

Finally, I don't know if the amount I details I listed is too much or too little. I'm trying to include both the scenes and dialogue, while keeping a decent flow. Instead of just "sex scene 1" and "sex scene 2".

Also, I'm so sorry for my grammar :) . It was soooo bad, I just type fast is all. Alright, let's get it on.

Part 2:

Continuing where we left off, it's now the next day. Gwen wakes up exhuasted and a mess. Her hair is scruffy, she's covered in dried sweat, and she has no clothes on and her room is even worst. She sits up straights and yawns, followed by her dad waking up next to her in the same bed.

Dad: (Yawn) Morning Dear.

Gwen: Morning Dad! Hey, how come your in my bed?

Dad: Hmm? Oh, I just thought I'd keep you company that's all. Must have fallen asleep.

Gwen: If you wanted to talk or whatever you could have just woken me up.

Dad: (Chuckle) I know.

Gwen: Hey, where are my clothes? I guess I forgot to put them on.

Dad: Guess so...well you better get ready for school.

Gwen gets out of bed, her hips swaying side to side as cum drips from both between her legs and off her tits and face. She walks into the bathroom, and starts to brush her teeth. Her father comes while she's in the middle of it.

Dad: Scuse me, darlin.

Gwen: (Muffled) Mo moblem.

Dad gets behind Gwen, and begins to stroke his cock. Watching his daugher bend of the sink, her ass raised high and legs spread wide while brushing her teeth, it's his favorite part of every morning. He stands closer to her, positions his dick head infront of the entrance to her pussy. Without saying a word, he slams it in whole. He can't help but let out a little moan as he begins to move his hips.

Dad: (Grunt)

Gwen: Hmm?! What are you doing?

Dad: (Panting) Oh just...checking your temperature.

Gwen: Oh, I thought I felt something like a thermometer. Shouldn't it go in my mouth?

Dad: The one I'm using goes both ways. (Unf) We could use both just be safe if you want, it is flew season.

Gwen: (Cleans her mouth and spits in the sink) Sure!

Dad begins thrusting his hips into Gwen even harder. Every slap carries so much force with, Gwen can't help but use both hands to hold her balance on the table. Dad than leans Gwen back, making her back touch his chest while holding her right breast in one hand. His left hand firmly around her neck, turning her head for a long kiss. For the entire time they're in the bathroom, he never lets her go and keeps her close as he slams inside her. Their lips never lose contact with each, and he begins to slap her ass with his right hand, letting her breast sway to the might of his movements.

With a mighty SLAM, he let's loose his morning goo deep inside his daughter. Than he shoves her, making her lean over the sink again, and keeps moving.

Gwen: So...how's my temperature? Also, what's this warm feeling in my-

Dad: (Panting) Not now, sweetie. I'm still trying to feel that temperature. (Grunts) You can get dressed while I keep moving right?

Gwen: Sure, if you help move around.

Dad: Good girl, (Slaps her ass) Good girl.

Later, with just a few minutes to spare for Gwen to walk to school on time, the front doors opens to a barely dressed and sweaty Gwen. She looks almost identical to how she was when she woke up, only now her school clothes are doing her best to cover her, and her dad his holding her from behind walking with her to the door.

Gwen: Okay dad, I'm off? How's my temperature?

Dad: Oh yeah...let me check...

He slowly pulls his cock out her pussy, A soft, oozing sound of flesh leaving the tight skinship of sex makes him hard again as he's leaving her. With a pop, he rest his cock on her back while their still standing.

Gwen: So?


Gwen: Dad?

Dad: Hmm, let try again and check-

He turns her around, pushing into the wall and pounds his chock in her asshole.

Dad: --Here. For like...30 mins...(grunts)

Gwen: Okay! Just hurry so I don't be late for-

Dad: It's a delay opening, Gwen. Now...(kisses her on the check while moving his hips. Grips her hair in his hand and pulls on it like a saddle. Slaps her ass again constantly, in since with every thrust) let me check you, real good...

Gwen: Umm...okay!

Gwen: (Internally) Hmm, I guess he can tall by checking how warm my butt is, he's really focused so I'll leave him to it.

Part 3

Gwen starts to walk into school. When she gets there, she finds that the front door is locked.

Gwen: Oh no! What time is it? I guess I got up later than I thought.

Standing outside and not knowing what to do, she sees the janitor behind the glass door down the hall, cleaning.

Gwen: (Waving) Hey, Hey! Over Here!

The janitor looks up at her, and looks back down to continue his cleaning.

Gwen: Hey! Over here~please?

He looks up again, re-adjusting his heaphones and continuing to clean.


He looks up one final time, and goes wide eyed when he sees the state of her hair and clothing. He walks over to the front door, opening it to talk to her, but not wide enough for her to get in.

Gwen: Oh thank you! I-

Janior: Why are you here?

Gwen: Oh, I go to school here. I don't know how, but I guess I'm late. It stinks since I've never been late, so could you let me-

Janitor: I don't want no trouble, so how bout no?

Gwen: Huh?! Please! I don't want trouble either, I'll do anything!

Janitor: Hmm, alright. C'mere. I gotta make sure you ain't packing nothing.

Gwen: Packing what? You mean my bag?

Janitor: Shut up. Now cmon.

The two begin walking down the hall. Gwen notices there aren't people in certain classrooms, including her own.

Gwen: Hey, where's everyone?

Janitor: Assembly. Something about vaping I think. Poor souls think making it 3 hours long will get it through to them.

Gwen: 3 hours? Aww, I would have liked to see it...


Gwen: So where are you taking me?

Janitor: You'll see, bitch.

Gwen: Hmm?

Janitor: You heard me

Gwen: (Internally) He said he has an itch?

The two walk into the janitors office (which is really just an even bigger yet more cramped closet), and he locks the door. There's shelves covering the wall, and large garden table and a old office chair with holes.

Janitor: You don't want no trouble, eh?

Gwen: Oh no sir. So how do I prove I come here?

Janitor: I have to strip search you, like in them air ports (chuckles). Take off your clothes or-

Gwen: Okay!

Gwen takes off all her clothes She has some difficulty with her shirt. Her body is still damp so it's sticking to her closely.

Gwen: Now what?

Janitor: Uhh...alright give me a sec...

He takes off his clothes

Janitor: Alright, on your knees.

She does as she's told. Gwen gets on her knee's and present's herself in a manner, similar to a wife waiting to seduce her husband by the doorstep. She looks like a goddess ready to receive an offering. He stands over Gwen directly. His large cock showers over he face, and throbs while touching the tip of her nose.

Gwen: Hey, does it help to search my by comparing-

While she's speaking, he slips his cock into her throat. He leans over her, pushing her down harder on her knees with his weight, and begins to move his cock vertically up and down like a jack hammer. He gets a nice view of her ass while she's sucking on him.

Janitor: Shut up (pant)...now start sucking and you better move your tongue.

He can't believe his luck. Since get this job, he hasn't had a chance with a girl since graduation. The only other time he got to have sex with someone, it was with a girl who he pretends was his ex, and didn't even get to stick it in. He came from just her touching his tip, and she laughed so hard and spread the news to his peers, he had to leave his old town.

Now's there a girl. Very plump (and dumb) one who's taking his cock for the first time. In fact, he can't hold it. Without realizing it, he began to come down her throat. Every thrust afterword served to pushed it down even further. He eventually stops, and holds her head on his cock with both hands.

Gwen looks up at her blankly, her glasses are crooked, and he says.

Janitor: Good job, now get on the table.

Gwen: (Spits) Um, okay? You didn't fine anything right?

Janitor: Huh?

Gwen: I don't remember putting something in my throat, but I might have swalloed something funny without realizing it. Ha!

Janitor: The FUCK are you on about?!

Gwen: My dad says I tend to eat in my sleep. It's why sometimes I wake up and my mouth is sore. That or allergies.

Janitor: ...I don't want to know.

Gwen: Huh?

Janitor: Quite wasting time and get on the table. No not that way, on your back, and put your head towards me.

Gwen lays flat on her back ontop of the table. Her head hanging on the side facing the janitor upside down, and her legs spread far apart.

Gwen: Okay, now what?

Janitor: You stop talking and keep doing what I say.

Gwen: Okay!

Janitor:...Open your mouth.

Instead of going for her mouth, he places his cock in between her tits. He uses her mouth and places his balls inside, so she can lick them clean. He grabs the oil on the table, and pours it over his cock and her tits. He makes Gwen hold them frimly, trapping his meat in between two walls of cow milkers, and starts humping.

Janitor: Keep going! I gotta make sure you didn't bring anything crazy...ha! And hid it somewhere!

Gwen: (Muffled) Ho-kay!

Janitor: Quite talking and keep sucking! Ah fuck yeah!

With a aloud SPLURT...he comes so hard it covers both Gwen's lower body, and part of the wall.

Gwen: Okay, how was that-

Without saying a word, he lifts her up in the air over his shoulder. Surprising Gwen with with his strength, only to fall back down to earth with him.

Gwen: Ow...are you okay?

Janitor: Yeah, sorry. Get up and sit on top of me.

He sits in the old office chair, and Gwen sits on him letting her breast engulf his face. He pushes his cock inside, place his arm just over her ass and pulling her back close to him. He loudly sucks on her nipples while moving his hips as fast as he can.

Gwen: So, I'm not in trouble right?

Janitor: Mmnf!

Gwen: Oh good! I never knew you could search someone like this. Hey, how come your sweating?

Janitor: Hmm...

Gwen: What?

Janitor: Shut. Up, and let me focus.

Gwen: Oh okay, sorry!

He slams his dick into her with all his might, his cum shouting from inside her pussy due to a lack of room, and dripping on the floor.

Gwen: Ah-

Janitor: Your not off the hook yet. I need to be absolutely sure. I keeping you until that assembly is over. Never get up.

Gwen: Yes, sir!

Later, the students are finally freed and are heading back to class. Hippie and Black nerd are trying find Gwen. They want to ditch the assembly and get their fill of Gwen, but couldn't find her. That had to settle with constanlty mastrubating in the bathroom.

Hippie: Man, now my dick hurts!

BN: I know. I was hoping Gwen could have done it herself.

Hippie: Where is she? it's not like her to be late to school

BN: She absent?

Hippie: Nah, she would have texted us.

BN: Closet?

Hippie: Why the fuck would she be in there without us?

BN: I don't know. I betcha that creepy janitor got her. Didn't you say hey was eye balling her before?

Hippie: There's no way-

They walk past the janitor's office, and hesitate before deciding to take a peak. The two are shocked to find Gwen bent over the table, hair pulled and hips in the hands of the Janitor, fucking her like no tomorrow. The table is squeaking and banging into the wall so loudly, it's reaching the hallway even though the door was closed.

Than, Chubby nerd walks towards them and calls out to them.

Chubby: Hey! What's up?

The two look at each other before running away. Chubby is confused, before looking into the room himself to see what's so important. The janitor heard his scream, and looks at Chubby through the gap in the door. His hips still moving without slowing down.

Janitor: (smiling) The fuck do you want?
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Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:34 pm

Part 3

It's the evening now, around 12 or so. Chubby nerd can't believe what he just saw. Gwen, getting bent over by the janitor, and all with him getting some! It looked like those two idiots new something. They just ran without telling him anything.

Chubby: (Internally) Well fine! If everyone else is sampling the platter, than fuck it. Fuck the school, fuck the principal, and fuck those fuckers. I'm getting me some ass!

The bell rings, and now it's time for lunch. Gwen's lunch period is shared with the nerds. She usually comes from the hall on the left side of the lunch room. There's a bathroom there, and Chubby gets an idea. He waits for Gwen by the interest to lunchroom. He makes sure the two idiots (nerds) walk in before him.

Chubby: They ain't cucking me today, those fuckers.

He makes out Gwen's body shape down the hall, and begins to walk towards her. It looks like the janitor was sure to leave a mark on her. No her pants had a slight rip, and her hair was completely loose with curls and loose ends.

Chubby: Hey Gwen

Gwen: Hey! Hey, did you see the knew Sexternals movie? It was so cool!

Chubby: I thought it was kinda boring...(!) B-but, you wanna talk about it?

Gwen: Sure. C'mon~

Chubby pulls on her arm, stopping her from going into the lunchroom.

Gwen: What's wrong.

Chubby: Uh, the other two aren't here today. Yeah, yeah! They aren't here. Plus I already ate. It's loud in the cafateria, let's go somewhere more quite.

Gwen: Oh, okay. Like, where though?

Chubby: How bout here? Follow me...

He walks with Gwen into the bathroom. They go to the far stall way in the back. There isn't alot of space, which he doesn't mind too much.

Chubby: Hmm, alright. This should be good.

Gwen: So, did you see the scene that-

Chubby pulls down his pants and turns around and begins to pull on Gwen's clothes.

Gwen: What are you doing?

Chubby: It's the bathroom Gwen. Your suppose to pull down your clothes in the bathroom.

Gwen: Oh, yeah. Sorry!

The two make quick work of her clothes, tossing them in the corner next to toliet.

Gwen: Alright, so now-

While she's talking, Chubby pushes Gwen on her knees, and sits on the toilet placing her in front of him. He pulls her face in close, making her chest rest on his legs while his cock rests in between her breasts on her face.

Gwen: What's this thing?

Chubby: Truth is Gwen, I need help. I got this sore from football. See how big it is? It's real bad. I tried asking the nurse but she can't help.

Gwen: Oh know! Ooh, ohh, I can help!

Chubby: Great, I knew I could count on you.

Gwen: What do I do?

Chubby: First (shoves her face down on his cock) takes this in your mouth...

Gwen: (gags)

Chubby: Next (begins moving her head up and down before letting go) suck on it, like no tomorrow. Oh, and make sure to swirl your tongue!

Gwen: (Slurp noises)

Chubby: Keep it down, will ya? Make sure to go all the way down to these round things back here, and let your tongue touch them.

Gwen begins sucking on him with high speed and suction. He decides he'll use her tits to come once, than pushes them down so she can go all the wall. He manages to pull his phone out in time to record her giving him a tit fuck, and shooting his loud all over her breast and in her mouth.

Gwen: Hmf!

Chubby: Your not done yet, Gwen! It's still swollen, see? Move your tits and just keep sucking. Hold your arms around me and get closer to make it easier.

Chubby sits back and enjoys the ride. A sexy nude bitch is sucking him off like the world depends on it.

Chubby: (Internally) I kinda like the idea of her being nude, and I still got clothes on. I feel like a pimp or something, ha!

Gwen: (internally) This is really swollen. He must have been playing seriously. All of them have, maybe I should be a cheerleader to cheer them on?

Footsteps can be heard as someone else enters the bathroom. He gets in the stall next two them, and notices Gwen's feet and legs on the floor.

Random guy: Ah yo waht da fuck?!

Chubby and Gwen: (!)

Random guy: Yo, let me get some!

Chubby realizes who it is. It's Carl, the local school pervert who managed to piss off every girl in the school with his antics of entering the girls locker room, and stealing their clothes.

Carl: Cmon man, please! My dick is killing me!

Gwen looks up at him wide-eyed in confusion.

Chubby: He's not talking to use. He said Dick, so he must be on the phone. Keep going!..ha...harder...

Chubby makes use of her throat 2 more times. Now, he decides it's time for some pussy

Gwen: Oh know, it's still big! What are we gonna-

Chubby: C'mere, Gwen

He pulls Gwen and sits her ontop of him. He pushes her hips and pussy lips down on his cock, while sucking her neck.

Chubby: Move your hips up and down nice and fast. Hold onto me and keep your body close.

Gwen: Okay? I don't know what this'll do, but I hope it works!

Chubby holds on to her with arm around her back, while using his other to hold his phone up. From this angle it really looks like a pimp or thug getting treated by his hoe.

Lunch lasts 40 mins, and the next period for Gwen is english. Chubby keeps Gwen on his dick for an extra 5 mins before he's pulls her off.

Chubby: Shit, the time! We're gonna be late.

Gwen: Oh no! Is it better now.

He pulls his dick out to see it limp and dripping semen.

Chubby: It's better than it was before. Quick, use your mouth to clean it, I got to go!

Gwen: Okay!

Chubby leaves the bathroom in a hurry, leaving Gwen a mess alone in the stall.

Gwen: Okay, I better hurry...wait, where are my clothes!?

Gwen begins to walk down the hall to her class. Her body is completely nude and her tits bounce in the air. Different faculty men see her: The janitor, cafateria men, teachers. Even the hall monitor, Jack. She walks to the door of her class room. Before she walks in, her english teacher sees her as he's walking down the hall.

Teach: Gwen!

Gwen: Oh, thank goodness. Hi!

Teach: Just what are you doing Gwen?

Gwen: My clothes got stolen in the bathroom, and I don't know what to do...

Teach: Stolen? Hmm, must have been Carl again. If it wasn't for him being the son of the principal, that boy would be in a ward by now!

Gwen: Teacher?

Gwen is only wearing her shoes and backpack on her. She crosses her legs and looks at him with worrying eyes. He can feel his dick poking through he pants.

Teach: Hmm, yes? Oh, silly me, sorry! You come with me, I'll have someone cover me and we'll make are way to the nurses office.

Gwen: Yes, sir!

Entering the Nurses office, she sees the teacher and a plump naked student standing next to him.

Nurse: Carl?

Teach: Most likely.

Nurse: Alright, there's a change of clothes in the bathroom. Find whatever fits you.

Gwen: Okay, thank you!

Teach: And you contain yourself.

He ignores her as he watches Gwen walk into the room. Several seconds later, Gwen is calling for his help in finding clothes that can fit her.

Teach: Don't worry Gwen, I got just the thing!

He walks inside the bathroom with her, closing the door.

Teach: I have a special tool that can help take your measurments. C'mere and-

The sound of slapping, lips poping and pussy pounding can be heard. The nurse takes a peek inside, and sees Gwen help upside down on the floor, the teacher holding her hips in the air fucking her.

Nurse: I thought I told her to contain herself

Teach: Yeah, yeah. Close the door.

The nurse walks in, removes her clothes, and begins to mastrubate.

Teach: What are-

Nurse: I want a turn, after

Gwen: Hi. Hey, do you have a rash between your legs.

Nurse: You could say that, yeah...and you're gonna help me.

Gwen: (?)

Later, the door bathroom doors open, releasing a fog cloud filled with interesting smells, and the two school members stand on oppostie sides of the door. Each leaning with one hand on the wall, mouths open, exhausted. On the ground, Gwen is laying on her back, covered in cum, and pussy juice

Teach: Alright, Gwen. Let's you clothes so you can go. The school day is about to end in a few minutes, so you can just go home. Later, call or tell your father to call the school and report your clothes missing.

Gwen: Okay, thank you! I hope your rash gets better miss nurse!

As she leaves, the two look at each other.

Nurse: Damn that girls knows how to blow...

Teach: I know (motions towards her), but I'm still in the mood...

Gwen's at home now, wearing nothing but a thin grey tank top and pink panties with bunnies. He dad left a note saying he got called into work for an emergency. He was really looking forward to seeing her, but he'll have to wait till later. Still, there's plenty of food and he'll order her a pizza.

Just than, the doorbell rings and outside is a delivery guy. Gwen opens the door and sees a shaggy man holding a pizza.

Pizza boy: Alright, that'll be $12.70

Gwen: Thank you!

She takes the pizza and begins to close the door.

Pizza boy: Mam (holding the door open with his hands), you need to pay.

Gwen: Oh! Did dad forget to pay?! I'm so sorry, I don't have money.

Pizza boy: Well shit, I'm not loosing my job for this. You need to pay.

Gwen: Oh, wait! Maybe I can look around for something to pay you with.

Pizza: Like a trade.

Gwen: No, I meant lose change in the couch or something...

He stares at her in her tank top.

Pizza guy: Nah, a trade would be nice. C'mere.

He walks inside and clothes the door.


The two are laying on the couch. Pizza boy has nothing on but his socks, and Gwen is competely naked. She's laying on the couch, with her tits around his dick and lips on his head, while he sits and turns on the tv.

Gwen: So I just have to give you a massage.

Pizza boy: yeah thats right.

Gwen: I never heard of a massage like this.

Pizza: Haven't you heard of a full boy massage? Get busy...

Gwen: She stares at him blankly, still holding his dick.

Pizza Boy: Move your mouth and tits up and down, fuck!

Gwen: Oh, okay. Sorry!

He takes out his phone and begins to face time someone. A women's voice can be heard on the phone.

Women: Hello?

Pizza boy: Check it out~

He holds his camera, showing Gwen's entire rack and mouth moving on his cock.

Women: (!)

Pizza boy: We're done, bitch.

Women: Ugh.

Gwen: Who was-

Pizza boy: Keep going.

He holds her head down with one hand, while his dick is still between her tits, and cums.

Pizza boy: Whew, thanks. I feel so much better!

Gwen: Really? Great! Does this I don't have to pay you.

Pizza boy: We're square? No, not yet. Turn around and show me your butt.

Gwen: Okay?


Gwen is hanging off the seat of the couch. Her legs on the floor, with hand prints and cum coming out her mouth, pussy and ass. The door opens and her father walks inside.

Dad: Ah! I see the pizza came, did you eat it yet?

Gwen: Oh, I forgot...and you forgot to pay dad!

Dad: I could have sworn I did...(smirk)

Gwen: The guy wanted to trade me giving a massage for it instead. It's on the table~

Dad: (Kisses) Good job, Gwen.

He makes his way to the pizza box, and finds that it's empty.

Dad: Gwen?

She already made her way into the bathroom, getting ready for a shower.

Dad: Ah fuck it.

He turns around, and begins to walk toward the bathroom while throwing pieces of his clothing to the side leaving a trail.

Dad: Gwen, sweaty, wait for me...

It's the weekend, very early in the morning. Gwen is sitting in the living room reading a book. Dad is staring at pictures on the wall. He turns staring at his daughter, before placing the pictures back and removing his pajamas.

Dad: Gwen, sweaty...open your legs.

Gwen: Hmm?

Dad: Just do it...

He pulls Gwen's hip to the end of the couch cushion, and takes of her pants. He removes both his pants and shirt, and plows his cock inside. He uses one hand to hold her left foot up high, postions her right leg on the side of his left hip, and hard-long strokes her with hid dick. Gripping her right boob with his left hand.

Gwen: Dad?...What are you doing?

Dad: Oh, just a morning workout dear. I need a partner.

Gwen: Oh okay, what kinda work out is this?

Dad: A very special one. Don't think about it, just hold still.

Gwen: Okay.

Dad: Can you hold your right leg up just a bit, make sure its next to my hip and not dragging.

Gwen: Sure!

He lowers Gwen's left leg lower to be around is waste, and continues to fuck her missionary style. Loud slapping and grunting are heard.

Gwen: Hey dad?

Dad: (Grunts) Yes, sweaty?

Gwen: What pictures were you looking at?

Dad: Oh, of your mother...

Gwen: Mom? What' was she like?

Dad: Oh, alot like you...in both body and mind

Gwen: Really? How? What'd she do? Did she like the same things as me? What about-

Dad: Slow down, or I can't answer them all. Okay... let's see...

He closes his eyes and holds his head up, reliving a pleasnt memory while savoring his daugher.

Dad: We'll to start off, she was just as CHARMING as you. I knew who she was for awhile, but I didn't take the time to know her later. After that, it was VERY EASY, to get to know her. I grew to love her both INSIDE and OUT. Our dates we're filled with nothing but PASSION. No matter how HARD things got, she always managed to make me SMILE, and leaving me feeling very SATISFIED

Gwen: Really?

Dad: Yeah. Some days things definetly got DIFFICULT. She didn't always FOCUS on the right things, so I had to WATCH HER around other people. Still, I still lover her with all my heart, I LOVE you JUST as much.

Gwen: Where is she now?

Dad: (Grunts) Don't know...

He comes deep inside, and pulls out letting some of his sperm fall on her tits.

Gwen: Where do you think she is?

Dad: Probably somewhere lose walking in a circle (chuckle)

Gwen: Wish I could have known her...

Dad: (Kisses) Hey, it's okay. So long as we got EACH OTHER, I think we'll be okay.

Gwen: Yeah, I love you dad.

He begins to move his hips again, sitting her upright so he can have an easir time.

Dad: (Unf!) Yeah, and I love you too...Marcie

Gwen: Hmm?

Dad: Oh nothing...say, are you free today?

Gwen: My friends wanted to hang out, today. Said they wanted to talk about something.

Dad: Well, I'm free today, how bout we spend THE WHOLE weekend together?

Gwen: Hmm...

Dad: Please? I don't want to be alone...

Gwen: Ah, s-sure. No problem. Let me just tell them.

Dad: (Kisses her) Good girl...

(Just random scene ideas for Gwen and her dad, so save some time.)

Outside in the back yard. Tending the flowers while fucking pile driver.

In the shower, from behind while doing anal and standing.

In his home office, Gwen between his legs giving a blowjob.

In the living room. Gwen on her knees in the recliner while her dad takes her from behind, pulling her hair and slapping her ass.

In Gwen's bed, with her on top laying on his chest while he fucks her cowgirl style.

Gwen: These exercises are pretty important, huh?

Dad: Oh, you know how much I love spending time with you...

Gwen: Yeah. It's getting late, let me know when your done so I can go to sleep.

Dad: Sure, just try going to sleep know, I only need you to be still.

Gwen: Okay (kisses), goodnight dad.

Dad: (Firmly grasping and slapping her ass, moving his hips as fast as possible) Good night, Gwen...
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Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:55 pm

I would love another game with Gwen. It is nice that some characters that Kosmos created are getting more love nowdays. Like Gloria and Brittany. There are some that hopefully get some new games, like Wendy Watermelons or the Wild West Milfs. But Gwen wasn't used for a long time so it is nice to see that people like her around here. I personally liked the first game alot more than the second(gaping scene was nice, and we don't get much of that stuff here).
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 12:41 am

Guys, it is nice to see that you create so detailed dialogs, but it has it's downside, it took way to much time to read the idea.
Until the game is not in production please have short version of scenario.
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Fri Nov 12, 2021 5:12 am

Why don't I just make a synopsis or overview for the whole thing when I'm done? That way you could know exactly what sex scenes and position I'm talking about, and have the extra dialogue as a reference? I feel close to this being finished, and I'll just list the positions names with the right characters involved. That way it'll help to save time if this does become a game.

Also, I'm the only one writing this.
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