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MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:05 am
by WolfTheLifeWizard
Finished writing my 2nd game idea :D Let me know what you all think of it :) I can't submit either idea atm, but if anyone can for me that would be amazing! Just let me know beforehand in case I wanna change anything up or sometihng :D Anyway enjoy!

Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Synopsis: Raven is a lonely Otaku that spends his time playing games, watching anime and jacking off to hentai on Fakku. On the night before Comic-Con Raven’s visited by a love fairy called Aiko who gives him a fuck note, and when a girl writes their name inside of it they will become horny and want to fuck the owner.

Characters in order of appearance:

Raven: Kinda looks like this ... 0519084443

Aiko: ... c0ec9b.jpg




All girls are cosplaying the characters shown in the pictures

Sex Scene Summary

Scene 1: Lily gives a hand job then a blow job while using her other hand to masturbate with her dark magic staff (Easy, Medium, Hard and Manually) ... fqgonx.gif Can cum on her or inside her mouth

Scene 2: Raven fucks Jenna in a cowgirl position (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually for pussy and ass) Can cum inside pussy, ass or outside ... 80b8aa.jpg

Scene 3: Raven and Futa Aiko Double Penetrate Jessica (Aiko fucking her ass while Raven kisses her and fucks her vagina) (Easy, Medium Hard, Manually for both holes) Cum inside both holes. ... o1_500.jpg

Scene 4: Raven fucks all 4 girls doggy style similar to the pic below but either with a viewpoint from the front so you can see their tits or you can change the view from their tits to from behind like below. (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually both holes for each girl) Can cum inside any of their holes. ... c59.29.jpg

In all scenes the girls are wearing their cosplay which have been ripped/pulled down slightly so you can see their boobs/ass.
Title Screen: Raven holds up the Fuck Note with each of the girls standing behind him.

Location: Raven’s bedroom and a convention hall.

Narration: Raven is a lonely university game design student at MNF University, he spends most of his free time playing video games, watching Anime or masturbating to hentai on Fukku. Raven is a virgin that has never had a girlfriend before, until on the night before Comic-Con, everything changes.

Raven: *Notices that it’s 3AM* (Thinking to himself) Fuck is that the time already!? I gotta stop jacking off on Fukku and get to sleep, otherwise I’ll oversleep and miss Comic-Con tomorrow!

*As he’s about to turn off his PC the monitors starts to glow brightly*

Raven: (Thinking) Shit what’s with this light? It’s too bright!

*The light dies down when Aiko appears sitting on top of his monitor*

Aiko: You think that’s bright? Jeeze maybe if you went outside in the sunshine every once in a while the light won’t hurt as bad.

Raven: The fuck? How, where, what…the fuck?

Aiko: You’re really not good at talking to girls are you? Oh well allow me to introduce myself, I’m Aiko a love fairy that specialises in getting lonely virgins like you some action! *Looks below at monitor* Speaking of action you’ve got some great taste here Mr I’m gonna have to look up this after we’re done hehe.

Raven: Well that’s putting it bluntly…How exactly do you plan to get me laid anyway Aiko?

Aiko: With this silly *Aiko clicks her finger and a black book titled “Fuck Note appears in Raven’s hands* Tada! You are now the proud owner of a brand spanking new Fuck Note!

Raven: A fuck note? Are you serious? Doesn’t that sound really similar to a Deat-

Aiko: I have no idea what you’re talking about! Anyways! Any guy, girl, attack helicopter you name it signs this handy dandy note book and they’ll instantly want to be fucked by you hehe.

Raven: Ok but how am I gonna get someone to sign this shit? I can’t exactly go “Hey there would you mind signing this notebook of mine so that you’ll want to have sex with me” to the first girl that I see.

Aiko: Are you really that dense? Look dipshit you’ve got that Comic-Con thing coming up tomorrow right? Go see some cosplayers or something and use the notebook at a signing. They’re not gonna know what the book is an they’ll sign it for you.

Raven: Shit that’s a really good idea…

Aiko: Of course it is! I did think of it after all hehe

Raven: Speaking of cosplayers that just made me think of something you look REALLY similar to my favourite cosplayer, in fact almost identical…

Aiko: It’s part of our love fairy’s magic, we take the form of whoever you are attracted to the most, and DAMN this girl is hot, she’s almost as sexy as my true form…hehe Almost. Anyway you better head off to sleep, you’ve got a big day tomorrow after all hehe *Aiko clicks her fingers causing Raven to fall asleep instantly*

Aiko: Up and at ‘em dipshit! It’s time to rise and shine!

Raven: It’s too early in the morning for this shit *rubbing his eyes* You’re still here, I guess it wasn’t a dream after all.

Aiko: Well duh of course it wasn’t! Now rise and shine, you’ve got a convention to go to!

Raven: Fuck you’re right! I better hurry! *Raven gets ready and heads over to the convention centre.

Aiko: Wow you could start an entire country with how many virgins there are here, or at least a state. You could call it Virginia hehe

Raven: *Shakes head* Never make that pun again.

Aiko: But whyyyyyyyy, It was a stroke of comedic genius! Anyway back to the reason why we’re here let’s find some cute girls! Now let’s see…Oooooh how about the sexy Magician she is HOT!

Raven: Who Lilly? You’re right she makes an amazing Dark Magician Girl…

Aiko: Then go get ‘em tiger! Get her to sign that handy dandy notebook of yours and see what dark magic she can really do heehee.

Raven: Ok…Time to see if this book really works.

*Raven walks up her while Lily browses the stores*

Raven: Uh hey there Lily, I’m Raven and I’ve been a big fan of your cosplay for a while now. Would it be ok if you sign this for me please?

Lily: Oh haiya! I’d be happy to sign it for you Raven, you’ve got a really interesting name. *Signs the book for him* Here you go, thanks for
enjoying my content!

Raven: Thanks Lily, I’ll see you round. Enjoy the rest of the con *Thinks to himself (The book doesn’t seem to be working, I guess Aiko lied about it then…)

Lily: Hey wait a minute Raven! Come with me for a sec, I wanna show you something hehe.

*Scene 1 begins*

Raven: L-Lily!? What are you doing?

Lily: Well let’s just say I wanted to thank you for supporting my content Raven, besides I want to see how big of a supporter you really are hehe *Pulls down his pants* WOW! You really are my biggest supporter! Time to give you a reward for your HUGE support.

*Before blowjob*

Lily: Wow it really is big…I wonder how it tastes?

*After cum*

Lily: That was amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your support hehe.

*Scene ends*

Raven: Wow Aiko the Fuck Note really works! This is amazing!

Aiko: Well duh of course it works dummy! Anyways you didn’t even fuck her smart ass! If I was you I’d get banished into her shadow realm any time she wants.

Raven: Alright, alright fine I will, who should I get to sign this book next?

Aiko: Well I don’t know about you but I think it’s time for some global warming you know what I mean? Check out that Earth-Chan cosplayer over there, and speaking of planets DAMN she is thic with over 9000 c’s that ass has its own gravitational pull

Raven: You’re right Jenna’s amazing, she’s one of my all-time favourite cosplayers, I think it’s time to see what this book can really do.

*Raven goes up to Jenna*

Hi uh you’re Jenna right?

Jenna: Sure am, how can I help you?

Raven: My names Raven, I love your cosplays and it’d be great if you could sign something for me.

Jenna: Aww thanks! I’d love to, what do you want me to sign?

Raven: *Gets out the fuck book and opens it up* in this book, here you go *passes the book over*

Jenna: You got Lily to sign it too? I didn’t know she was here! I’ll have to see if I can find her later *Signs the book* here you go Raven. But before you go…I want you to give me something in return for signing that book for you.

*Scene 2 starts*

Jenna: Damn Raven you’re really packing down there, show Earth-Chan what you can do.

*When moving onto anal*

Jenna: Y’know my ass is available too hot shot, I wanna feel everything you’ve got.

*After Cumming*

Jenna: Damn that felt good...Let’s meet up again before the shows over, I’d love to go another round.

*Scene Ends*

Aiko: Congratulations man you did it! You finally got off the virgin express, I’m proud of you Raven!

Raven: Why do you sound really sarcastic about that?

Aiko: Hey! I’m trying to be nice here, sheesh! So anyway now that you’ve cleared your first 2 challenges it’s time to face the final boss! Hehe

Raven: And who is this “final boss” that you are talking about?

Aiko: Hehe I think you know…She’s amazing,, she’s INCREDIBLY Thicc and she looks just like yours truly.

Raven: Wait a minute you don’t mean….

Aiko: Yep! And she’s doing a signing right here so go get ‘em champ!

Raven: Alright then…here goes nothing

*Raven ques up in line for the signing, 2 hours later and Raven reaches the front of the line*

Jessica: Haiya! Thanks for coming to my signing! And what might your name be?

Raven: I’m Raven, your cosplays are amazing and it’d be great if you could sign this for me *Raven opens the book and hands it over to her*

Jessica: Thanks, I’m glad you like them! And will do, one signature coming right up! *Signs the notebook* Here you go, thanks again for coming to my signing and hey…maybe if you’re free meet me here in an hour after my signings done I wanna show you something *Winks*

Raven: Thanks, and will do.

*1 hour passes and Raven meets Jessica again*

Jessica: Glad you made it, now as for what I wanted to show you...*Unzips front of D.Va suit and shows her breasts* So…like what you see?

Raven: *Stunned* Y-You bet I do

*Aiko appears and uses her magic to appear regular size*

Aiko: And so do I cutie!

Jessica: Wow…who’s your friend Raven, she looks just like me!

Raven: A-Aiko!? What are you doing here?

Aiko: I’ve been wanting to have some fun ever since I got this body, and I’m not gonna let this chance slip! *Uses spell to get a cock* So
Jessie, you also like what you see?

Jessica: Oh yeah Aiko we’re gonna have a LOT of fun hehe Right Raven?

Raven: What am I getting into…

*Scene 3 starts*

Aiko: Finally I get to join in! Time to show you what a Love Fairy can REALLY do

Jessica: Oh fuck, I’m gonna enjoy this…

*When unlocking the cum scene*

Jessica: Oh fuck guys…I’m so close!

Aiko: Oh fuck this feels too good, I’m gonna cum soon too! Let’s do it together Raven.

*After Cumming*

Aiko: Holy fuck that was amazing….

Jessica: Tell me about it…why don’t we go for another round?

*Lily and Jenna show up*

Lily: Though this time I hope you’re not going to forget about us

Jenna: Yeah after that action there’s no way we’re gonna be missing any more of this.

Jessica: Wow this is getting a lot more interesting hehe

Aiko: She’s right hehe you’ve got quite the harem here Raven, so who are you going to fuck first?

Raven: I don’t know if I can keep up…

*Scene starts*

Aiko: Come on champ, all of us are ready and waiting

*When cumming*

Girl who you’re cumming inside of: Oh fuck yes, I’m cumming!

*All girls are covered in cum lying next to Raven*

Aiko: Wow you turned out WAY better than I expected, wait till I tell the girls up top about you. You can keep the notebook, I’ll be in touch in Raven. I can’t wait for what’s in store next time.

*Game ends*

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:52 am
by Jimjim3DX
I'd be down for a game featuring these characters. The story/dialogue seems good to me. Not a massive fan of mind control but to be fair it's pretty light here. Some kind of mini-game might be nice but I'm not really sure what you'd do for this idea. Besides, not all ideas need mini-games, but I think it'd help a bit, otherwise it'll feel like 'Xmas in Bimbovalley' which had great art but was a fairly basic game otherwise. But if that's what you're going for then that's fine as well.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:49 am
by Dbro85
So you're going to have Jessica Nigri get fucked by Jessica Nigri?

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:50 am
by WolfTheLifeWizard
Dbro85 wrote:
Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:49 am
So you're going to have Jessica Nigri get fucked by Jessica Nigri?
"I heard you like Jessica Nigri, so I put a Jessica Nigri inside a Jessica Nigri to get Jessica Nigri Squared.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 3:55 am
by WolfTheLifeWizard
Jimjim3DX wrote:
Thu Apr 26, 2018 10:52 am
I'd be down for a game featuring these characters. The story/dialogue seems good to me. Not a massive fan of mind control but to be fair it's pretty light here. Some kind of mini-game might be nice but I'm not really sure what you'd do for this idea. Besides, not all ideas need mini-games, but I think it'd help a bit, otherwise it'll feel like 'Xmas in Bimbovalley' which had great art but was a fairly basic game otherwise. But if that's what you're going for then that's fine as well.
Yeah I don't like it most of the time either tbh but I had the idea and rolled with it. I'd be down to put a mini-game in one of my ideas at some point but I didn't really know what to do for this one, maybe like you get to pick what cosplay they wear or something? But that'd probably be a lot of work to implement.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:44 am
by Kelumir
Ok, just finished going through it, and all in all I it seems like a good idea, though there are a couple of things.

First, the image you’ve chosen for Raven is a pic of the character Grey Fullbuster from the anime Fairy Tail, and I'm not sure if you’re aware of that. I think it would be better if you used an image of a character who isn’t so famous. Here are a few suggestions I found after a quick search.

And second, I couldn’t help but notice a large number of spelling and grammar problems, and I’ve taken the liberty of fixing them for you here. Oh, and one more thing, I personally find Aiko going "hehe" in pretty much every sentence rather annoying.
Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Synopsis: Raven is a lonely Otaku that spends his time playing games, watching anime and jacking off to hentai on Fakku. On the night before Comic-Con Raven’s visited by a love fairy called Aiko who gives him a fuck note, and when a girl writes their name inside of it they will become horny and want to fuck the owner.

Characters in order of appearance:

Raven: Kinda looks like this ... 0519084443

Aiko: ... c0ec9b.jpg




All girls are cosplaying the characters shown in the pictures

Sex Scene Summary

Scene 1: Lily gives a hand job then a blow job while using her other hand to masturbate with her dark magic staff (Easy, Medium, Hard and Manually) ... fqgonx.gif
Can cum on her or inside her mouth

Scene 2: Raven fucks Jenna in a cowgirl position (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually for pussy and ass) Can cum inside pussy, ass or outside ... 80b8aa.jpg

Scene 3: Raven and Futa Aiko Double Penetrate Jessica (Aiko fucking her ass while Raven kisses her and fucks her vagina) (Easy, Medium Hard, Manually for both holes) Cum inside both holes. ... o1_500.jpg

Scene 4: Raven fucks all 4 girls doggy style similar to the pic below but either with a viewpoint from the front so you can see their tits, or you can change the view from their tits to from behind like below. (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually both holes for each girl) Can cum inside any of their holes. ... c59.29.jpg

In all scenes the girls are wearing their cosplay costumes, which have been ripped/pulled down slightly so you can see their boobs/ass.
Title Screen: Raven holds up the Fuck Note with each of the girls standing behind him.

Locations: Raven’s bedroom and a convention hall.

Narration: Raven is a lonely university game design student at MNF University, he spends most of his free time playing video games, watching Anime or masturbating to hentai on Fukku. Raven is a virgin that has never had a girlfriend before, until on the night before Comic-Con, everything changes.

Raven: *Notices that it’s 3AM* (Thinking to himself) Fuck is that the time already!? I gotta stop jacking off on Fukku and get to sleep, otherwise I’ll oversleep and miss Comic-Con tomorrow!

*As he’s about to turn off his PC the monitors starts to glow brightly.*

Raven: (Thinking) Shit what’s with this light? It’s too bright!

*The light dies down when Aiko appears sitting on top of his monitor.*

Aiko: You think that’s bright? Jeeze maybe if you went outside in the sunshine every once in a while the light won’t hurt as bad.

Raven: The fuck? How... Where... What... the fuck?

Aiko: You’re really not good at talking to girls are you? Oh well, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Aiko, a love fairy that specialises in getting lonely virgins like you some action!
*Looks below at monitor she's siting on.*
Aiko: Speaking of action, you’ve got some great taste here Mr. I’m gonna have to look up this after we’re done, hehe.

Raven: Well that’s putting it bluntly... How exactly do you plan to get me laid anyway Aiko?

Aiko: With this silly.
*Aiko snaps her finger and a black book titled "Fuck Note" appears in Raven’s hands.*
Aiko: Tada! You are now the proud owner of a brand spanking new Fuck Note!

Raven: A fuck note? Are you serious? Doesn’t that sound really similar to a Deat-

Aiko: I have no idea what you’re talking about! Anyways! Any guy, girl, attack helicopter, you name it, that signs this handy dandy note book, they’ll instantly want to be fucked by you. Hehe.

Raven: Ok, but how am I gonna get someone to sign this shit? I can’t exactly go "Hey there, would you mind signing this notebook of mine so that you’ll want to have sex with me?" to the first girl that I see.

Aiko: Are you really that dense? Look dipshit, you’ve got that Comic-Con thing coming up tomorrow right? Go see some cosplayers or something and use the notebook at a signing. They’re not gonna know what the book is, and they’ll sign it for you.

Raven: Shit that’s a really good idea...

Aiko: Of course it is! I did think of it after all. Hehe

Raven: Speaking of cosplayers that just made me think of something you look REALLY similar to my favourite cosplayer, in fact almost identical...

Aiko: It’s part of our love fairy’s magic, we take the form of whoever you are attracted to the most, and DAMN this girl is hot. She’s almost as sexy as my true form. Hehe, almost. Anyway, you better head off to sleep, you’ve got a big day tomorrow after all hehe.
*Aiko snaps her fingers, causing Raven to fall asleep instantly.*

Aiko: Up and at 'em dipshit! It’s time to rise and shine!

Raven: It’s too early in the morning for this shit. *Rubbing his eyes* You’re still here? I guess it wasn’t a dream after all.

Aiko: Well duh, of course it wasn’t! Now rise and shine, you’ve got a convention to go to!

Raven: Fuck you’re right! I better hurry! *Raven gets ready and heads over to the convention centre.

Aiko: Wow you could start an entire country with how many virgins there are here, or at least a state. You could call it Virginia, hehe.

Raven: *Shakes head* Never make that pun again.

Aiko: But whyyyyyyyy? It was a stroke of comedic genius! Anyway, back to the reason why we’re here let’s find some cute girls! Now let’s see... Oooooh, how about the sexy Magician? She is HOT!

Raven: Who Lilly? You’re right she makes an amazing Dark Magician Girl…

Aiko: Then go get ‘em tiger! Get her to sign that handy dandy notebook of yours and see what a dark magic she can really be. Hee-hee.

Raven: Ok... Time to see if this book really works.

*Raven walks up to Lily while she is browsing the stalls.*

Raven: Uh hey there Lily, I’m Raven and I’ve been a big fan of your cosplay for a while now. Would it be ok if you signed this for me please?

Lily: Oh haiya! I’d be happy to sign it for you Raven, you’ve got a really interesting name.
*Signs the book for him*
Lily: Here you go, thanks for enjoying my content!

Raven: Thanks Lily, I’ll see you round. Enjoy the rest of the con. *Thinks to himself (The book doesn’t seem to be working, I guess Aiko lied about it then...)

Lily: Hey wait a minute Raven! Come with me for a sec, I wanna show you something, hehe.

*Scene 1 begins*

Raven: L-Lily!? What are you doing?

Lily: Well let’s just say I wanted to thank you for supporting my content Raven, besides I want to see how big of a supporter you really are.
*Pulls down his pants.*
Lily: WOW! You really are my biggest supporter! Time to give you a reward for your HUGE support.

*Before blowjob.*

Lily: Wow it really is big... I wonder how it tastes?

*After cum.*

Lily: That was amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your support, hehe.

*Scene ends.*

Raven: Wow Aiko, the Fuck Note really works! This is amazing!

Aiko: Well duh, of course it works dummy! Anyways, you didn't even fuck her smart ass! If I was you I'd get banished into her shadow realm any time she wants.

Raven: Alright, alright fine I will, who should I get to sign this book next?

Aiko: Well, I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time for some global warming you know what I mean? Check out that Earth-Chan cosplayer over there. And speaking of planets, DAMN she is thicc. With over 9000 c’s, that ass has its own gravitational pull.

Raven: You’re right, Jenna’s amazing. She’s one of my all-time favourite cosplayers. I think it’s time to see what this book can really do.

*Raven goes up to Jenna.*

Raven: Hi, uh... you’re Jenna right?

Jenna: Sure am, how can I help you?

Raven: My names Raven, I love your cosplays and it’d be great if you could sign something for me.

Jenna: Aww thanks! I’d love to, what do you want me to sign?

Raven: *Gets out the Fuck Book and opens it up.* In this book, here you go. *Passes the book over to Jenna.*

Jenna: You got Lily to sign it too? I didn’t know she was here! I’ll have to see if I can find her later *Signs the book.* Here you go Raven. But before you go, I want you to give me something in return for signing that book for you.

*Scene 2 starts*

Jenna: Damn Raven you’re really packing down there, show Earth-Chan what you can do.

*When moving onto anal*

Jenna: Y’know, my ass is available to hot shot. I wanna feel everything you’ve got.

*After Cumming*

Jenna: Damn that felt good. Let’s meet up again before the shows over, I’d love to go another round.

*Scene Ends*

Aiko: Congratulations man you did it! You finally got off the virgin express. I’m proud of you Raven!

Raven: Why do you sound really sarcastic about that?

Aiko: Hey! I’m trying to be nice here, sheesh! So anyway, now that you’ve cleared your first 2 challenges, it’s time to face the final boss! Hehe.

Raven: And who is this “final boss” that you're talking about?

Aiko: Hehe, I think you know. She’s amazing, she’s INCREDIBLY thicc, and she looks just like yours truly.

Raven: Wait a minute you don’t mean….

Aiko: Yep! And she’s doing a signing right here, so go get ‘em champ!

Raven: Alright then, here goes nothing

*Raven ques up in line for the signing. 2 hours later and Raven reaches the front of the line.*

Jessica: Haiya! Thanks for coming to my signing! And what might your name be?

Raven: I’m Raven, your cosplays are amazing, and it’d be great if you could sign this for me. *Raven opens the book and hands it over to her.*

Jessica: Thanks, I’m glad you like them! And will do, one signature coming right up! *Signs the notebook* Here you go, thanks again for coming to my signing and hey, maybe if you’re free, meet me here in an hour after my signings done. I wanna show you something. *Winks*

Raven: Thanks, and will do.

*1 hour passes and Raven meets Jessica again.*

Jessica: Glad you made it, now as for what I wanted to show you… *Unzips the front of her D.Va suit and shows her breasts.* So, like what you see?

Raven: *Stunned* Y-You bet I do.

*Aiko appears and uses her magic to appear regular size.*

Aiko: And so do I cutie!

Jessica: Wow, who’s your friend Raven? She looks just like me!

Raven: A-Aiko!? What are you doing here?

Aiko: I’ve been wanting to have some fun ever since I got this body, and I’m not gonna let this chance slip! *Uses spell to get a cock* So
Jessie, you also like what you see?

Jessica: Oh yeah Aiko! We’re gonna have a LOT of fun. Hehe, right Raven?

Raven: What am I getting into…

*Scene 3 starts*

Aiko: Finally I get to join in! Time to show you what a Love Fairy can REALLY do.

Jessica: Oh fuck, I’m gonna enjoy this.

*When unlocking the cum scene.*

Jessica: Oh fuck guys... I’m so close!

Aiko: Oh fuck this feels too good! I’m gonna cum soon too! Let’s do it together Raven!

*After Cumming.*

Aiko: Holy fuck that was amazing...

Jessica: Tell me about it. Why don’t we go for another round?

*Lily and Jenna show up.*

Lily: Though this time, I hope you’re not going to forget about us.

Jenna: Yeah, after that action there’s no way we’re gonna be missing any more of this.

Jessica: Wow this is getting a lot more interesting.

Aiko: She’s right, hehe. You’ve got quite the harem here Raven. So, who are you going to fuck first?

Raven: I don’t know if I can keep up...

*Scene starts*

Aiko: Come on champ, all of us are ready and waiting

*When cumming.*

Girl who you’re cumming inside of: Oh fuck yes, I’m cumming!

*All girls are covered in cum lying next to Raven.*

Aiko: Wow, you turned out WAY better than I expected. Wait till I tell the girls up top about you. You can keep the notebook, I’ll be in touch in Raven. I can’t wait for what’s in store next time.

*Game ends*

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:57 am
by WolfTheLifeWizard
Kelumir wrote:
Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:44 am
Ok, just finished going through it, and all in all I it seems like a good idea, though there are a couple of things.

First, the image you’ve chosen for Raven is a pic of the character Grey Fullbuster from the anime Fairy Tail, and I'm not sure if you’re aware of that. I think it would be better if you used an image of a character who isn’t so famous. Here are a few suggestions I found after a quick search.

And second, I couldn’t help but notice a large number of spelling and grammar problems, and I’ve taken the liberty of fixing them for you here. Oh, and one more thing, I personally find Aiko going "hehe" in pretty much every sentence rather annoying.
Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Synopsis: Raven is a lonely Otaku that spends his time playing games, watching anime and jacking off to hentai on Fakku. On the night before Comic-Con Raven’s visited by a love fairy called Aiko who gives him a fuck note, and when a girl writes their name inside of it they will become horny and want to fuck the owner.

Characters in order of appearance:

Raven: Kinda looks like this ... 0519084443

Aiko: ... c0ec9b.jpg




All girls are cosplaying the characters shown in the pictures

Sex Scene Summary

Scene 1: Lily gives a hand job then a blow job while using her other hand to masturbate with her dark magic staff (Easy, Medium, Hard and Manually) ... fqgonx.gif
Can cum on her or inside her mouth

Scene 2: Raven fucks Jenna in a cowgirl position (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually for pussy and ass) Can cum inside pussy, ass or outside ... 80b8aa.jpg

Scene 3: Raven and Futa Aiko Double Penetrate Jessica (Aiko fucking her ass while Raven kisses her and fucks her vagina) (Easy, Medium Hard, Manually for both holes) Cum inside both holes. ... o1_500.jpg

Scene 4: Raven fucks all 4 girls doggy style similar to the pic below but either with a viewpoint from the front so you can see their tits, or you can change the view from their tits to from behind like below. (Easy, Medium, Hard, Manually both holes for each girl) Can cum inside any of their holes. ... c59.29.jpg

In all scenes the girls are wearing their cosplay costumes, which have been ripped/pulled down slightly so you can see their boobs/ass.
Title Screen: Raven holds up the Fuck Note with each of the girls standing behind him.

Locations: Raven’s bedroom and a convention hall.

Narration: Raven is a lonely university game design student at MNF University, he spends most of his free time playing video games, watching Anime or masturbating to hentai on Fukku. Raven is a virgin that has never had a girlfriend before, until on the night before Comic-Con, everything changes.

Raven: *Notices that it’s 3AM* (Thinking to himself) Fuck is that the time already!? I gotta stop jacking off on Fukku and get to sleep, otherwise I’ll oversleep and miss Comic-Con tomorrow!

*As he’s about to turn off his PC the monitors starts to glow brightly.*

Raven: (Thinking) Shit what’s with this light? It’s too bright!

*The light dies down when Aiko appears sitting on top of his monitor.*

Aiko: You think that’s bright? Jeeze maybe if you went outside in the sunshine every once in a while the light won’t hurt as bad.

Raven: The fuck? How... Where... What... the fuck?

Aiko: You’re really not good at talking to girls are you? Oh well, allow me to introduce myself. I’m Aiko, a love fairy that specialises in getting lonely virgins like you some action!
*Looks below at monitor she's siting on.*
Aiko: Speaking of action, you’ve got some great taste here Mr. I’m gonna have to look up this after we’re done, hehe.

Raven: Well that’s putting it bluntly... How exactly do you plan to get me laid anyway Aiko?

Aiko: With this silly.
*Aiko snaps her finger and a black book titled "Fuck Note" appears in Raven’s hands.*
Aiko: Tada! You are now the proud owner of a brand spanking new Fuck Note!

Raven: A fuck note? Are you serious? Doesn’t that sound really similar to a Deat-

Aiko: I have no idea what you’re talking about! Anyways! Any guy, girl, attack helicopter, you name it, that signs this handy dandy note book, they’ll instantly want to be fucked by you. Hehe.

Raven: Ok, but how am I gonna get someone to sign this shit? I can’t exactly go "Hey there, would you mind signing this notebook of mine so that you’ll want to have sex with me?" to the first girl that I see.

Aiko: Are you really that dense? Look dipshit, you’ve got that Comic-Con thing coming up tomorrow right? Go see some cosplayers or something and use the notebook at a signing. They’re not gonna know what the book is, and they’ll sign it for you.

Raven: Shit that’s a really good idea...

Aiko: Of course it is! I did think of it after all. Hehe

Raven: Speaking of cosplayers that just made me think of something you look REALLY similar to my favourite cosplayer, in fact almost identical...

Aiko: It’s part of our love fairy’s magic, we take the form of whoever you are attracted to the most, and DAMN this girl is hot. She’s almost as sexy as my true form. Hehe, almost. Anyway, you better head off to sleep, you’ve got a big day tomorrow after all hehe.
*Aiko snaps her fingers, causing Raven to fall asleep instantly.*

Aiko: Up and at 'em dipshit! It’s time to rise and shine!

Raven: It’s too early in the morning for this shit. *Rubbing his eyes* You’re still here? I guess it wasn’t a dream after all.

Aiko: Well duh, of course it wasn’t! Now rise and shine, you’ve got a convention to go to!

Raven: Fuck you’re right! I better hurry! *Raven gets ready and heads over to the convention centre.

Aiko: Wow you could start an entire country with how many virgins there are here, or at least a state. You could call it Virginia, hehe.

Raven: *Shakes head* Never make that pun again.

Aiko: But whyyyyyyyy? It was a stroke of comedic genius! Anyway, back to the reason why we’re here let’s find some cute girls! Now let’s see... Oooooh, how about the sexy Magician? She is HOT!

Raven: Who Lilly? You’re right she makes an amazing Dark Magician Girl…

Aiko: Then go get ‘em tiger! Get her to sign that handy dandy notebook of yours and see what a dark magic she can really be. Hee-hee.

Raven: Ok... Time to see if this book really works.

*Raven walks up to Lily while she is browsing the stalls.*

Raven: Uh hey there Lily, I’m Raven and I’ve been a big fan of your cosplay for a while now. Would it be ok if you signed this for me please?

Lily: Oh haiya! I’d be happy to sign it for you Raven, you’ve got a really interesting name.
*Signs the book for him*
Lily: Here you go, thanks for enjoying my content!

Raven: Thanks Lily, I’ll see you round. Enjoy the rest of the con. *Thinks to himself (The book doesn’t seem to be working, I guess Aiko lied about it then...)

Lily: Hey wait a minute Raven! Come with me for a sec, I wanna show you something, hehe.

*Scene 1 begins*

Raven: L-Lily!? What are you doing?

Lily: Well let’s just say I wanted to thank you for supporting my content Raven, besides I want to see how big of a supporter you really are.
*Pulls down his pants.*
Lily: WOW! You really are my biggest supporter! Time to give you a reward for your HUGE support.

*Before blowjob.*

Lily: Wow it really is big... I wonder how it tastes?

*After cum.*

Lily: That was amazing! I look forward to seeing more of your support, hehe.

*Scene ends.*

Raven: Wow Aiko, the Fuck Note really works! This is amazing!

Aiko: Well duh, of course it works dummy! Anyways, you didn't even fuck her smart ass! If I was you I'd get banished into her shadow realm any time she wants.

Raven: Alright, alright fine I will, who should I get to sign this book next?

Aiko: Well, I don’t know about you, but I think it’s time for some global warming you know what I mean? Check out that Earth-Chan cosplayer over there. And speaking of planets, DAMN she is thicc. With over 9000 c’s, that ass has its own gravitational pull.

Raven: You’re right, Jenna’s amazing. She’s one of my all-time favourite cosplayers. I think it’s time to see what this book can really do.

*Raven goes up to Jenna.*

Raven: Hi, uh... you’re Jenna right?

Jenna: Sure am, how can I help you?

Raven: My names Raven, I love your cosplays and it’d be great if you could sign something for me.

Jenna: Aww thanks! I’d love to, what do you want me to sign?

Raven: *Gets out the Fuck Book and opens it up.* In this book, here you go. *Passes the book over to Jenna.*

Jenna: You got Lily to sign it too? I didn’t know she was here! I’ll have to see if I can find her later *Signs the book.* Here you go Raven. But before you go, I want you to give me something in return for signing that book for you.

*Scene 2 starts*

Jenna: Damn Raven you’re really packing down there, show Earth-Chan what you can do.

*When moving onto anal*

Jenna: Y’know, my ass is available to hot shot. I wanna feel everything you’ve got.

*After Cumming*

Jenna: Damn that felt good. Let’s meet up again before the shows over, I’d love to go another round.

*Scene Ends*

Aiko: Congratulations man you did it! You finally got off the virgin express. I’m proud of you Raven!

Raven: Why do you sound really sarcastic about that?

Aiko: Hey! I’m trying to be nice here, sheesh! So anyway, now that you’ve cleared your first 2 challenges, it’s time to face the final boss! Hehe.

Raven: And who is this “final boss” that you're talking about?

Aiko: Hehe, I think you know. She’s amazing, she’s INCREDIBLY thicc, and she looks just like yours truly.

Raven: Wait a minute you don’t mean….

Aiko: Yep! And she’s doing a signing right here, so go get ‘em champ!

Raven: Alright then, here goes nothing

*Raven ques up in line for the signing. 2 hours later and Raven reaches the front of the line.*

Jessica: Haiya! Thanks for coming to my signing! And what might your name be?

Raven: I’m Raven, your cosplays are amazing, and it’d be great if you could sign this for me. *Raven opens the book and hands it over to her.*

Jessica: Thanks, I’m glad you like them! And will do, one signature coming right up! *Signs the notebook* Here you go, thanks again for coming to my signing and hey, maybe if you’re free, meet me here in an hour after my signings done. I wanna show you something. *Winks*

Raven: Thanks, and will do.

*1 hour passes and Raven meets Jessica again.*

Jessica: Glad you made it, now as for what I wanted to show you… *Unzips the front of her D.Va suit and shows her breasts.* So, like what you see?

Raven: *Stunned* Y-You bet I do.

*Aiko appears and uses her magic to appear regular size.*

Aiko: And so do I cutie!

Jessica: Wow, who’s your friend Raven? She looks just like me!

Raven: A-Aiko!? What are you doing here?

Aiko: I’ve been wanting to have some fun ever since I got this body, and I’m not gonna let this chance slip! *Uses spell to get a cock* So
Jessie, you also like what you see?

Jessica: Oh yeah Aiko! We’re gonna have a LOT of fun. Hehe, right Raven?

Raven: What am I getting into…

*Scene 3 starts*

Aiko: Finally I get to join in! Time to show you what a Love Fairy can REALLY do.

Jessica: Oh fuck, I’m gonna enjoy this.

*When unlocking the cum scene.*

Jessica: Oh fuck guys... I’m so close!

Aiko: Oh fuck this feels too good! I’m gonna cum soon too! Let’s do it together Raven!

*After Cumming.*

Aiko: Holy fuck that was amazing...

Jessica: Tell me about it. Why don’t we go for another round?

*Lily and Jenna show up.*

Lily: Though this time, I hope you’re not going to forget about us.

Jenna: Yeah, after that action there’s no way we’re gonna be missing any more of this.

Jessica: Wow this is getting a lot more interesting.

Aiko: She’s right, hehe. You’ve got quite the harem here Raven. So, who are you going to fuck first?

Raven: I don’t know if I can keep up...

*Scene starts*

Aiko: Come on champ, all of us are ready and waiting

*When cumming.*

Girl who you’re cumming inside of: Oh fuck yes, I’m cumming!

*All girls are covered in cum lying next to Raven.*

Aiko: Wow, you turned out WAY better than I expected. Wait till I tell the girls up top about you. You can keep the notebook, I’ll be in touch in Raven. I can’t wait for what’s in store next time.

*Game ends*
Yeah I didn't really know what would be good for the male character design so I just used Gray as an example and thanks for fixing up the spelling and grammer mistakes, I didn't notice there was so many XD And I'll try not to add so many hehe's next time, I didn't really know what else to write to show her laughing.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:02 pm
by WolfTheLifeWizard
Bump, if anyone could submit this it would be amazing :) Got so many ideas in the works that I'll start if one of my ideas gets made.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:05 am
by Punk43
WolfTheLifeWizard wrote:
Mon Jul 23, 2018 9:02 pm
Bump, if anyone could submit this it would be amazing :) Got so many ideas in the works that I'll start if one of my ideas gets made.
Best way to have a game made is to buy a membership, ask the community for advice and feedback and submit your own idea.
All active members are pretty much working on they're own ideas at any point in time and it is a member perk to be able to submit ideas for creation.

Re: MNF Fuck Note: Comic-Con

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:10 am
I couldn't say it any better but yea man just ask for some advice and you need any help with like gramer or anything eles just ask and I'm sure some one will help