Just Wondering (BigK7o8)

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Sat Sep 03, 2022 9:23 am

TheUndertaker wrote:
Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:24 am
Thanks for your answer. So the thing I understand since you got the mnf wwriting idea pretty good is that I better have your opinion on idea I have before hoping they are picked eventually.
I would love to give you or anyone feedback on your ideas and scripts, but I can promise I'm really not that important, I'm not the guy who decides what ideas get made :lol:

I only do scripts for Vadim, so if you have an idea or a suggestion for one of his characters I guess I would probably need to look at it (although characters have been getting swapped around a lot so I don't think that matters too much anymore) but Kosmos and Serega do all their scripts independent of me. Kosmos gets his ideas from the forums, and I'm not quite sure where Serega gets his ideas from, it might be the forums or it might be other users.

But like I said I would be more than happy to give feedback or help with ideas. I feel like I've gotten pretty good at understanding the Meet n' Fuck style that was perfected by guys like Serrated long before I got here!
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