Boom Town Lesbian Throwdown & The Main Event

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Joined: Wed Jun 05, 2019 2:04 pm

Sun Jun 09, 2019 6:28 am

So I wanted to get feedback on a double game idea that I think has some legs. It would mostly use old assets so the only work done would be on creating a few images of the two new girls that would be introduced and work on a minigame in the second game. Wanted to try and make this pretty simple to work with so It's easy to implement should It get picked later down the line.

I wanted to create two slutty girls with different stereotypes in these games that could be used together or alone without my permission. I just ask that if you use only one in a future game idea you have that the other is somewhat mentened (could be a remark that the other is missing out or a phone call between the two at the start). Trying to go for a dynamic duo sort of thing with these two.

-Game script 1- Boom Town Lesbian Throwdown!

Characters: Mark Goodman, Hareem Harron, Katherine Kiss.

Hareem: Ethnicity- Middle Eastern. Eyes- Brown. Hair (when out)- Black and medium length. Normal outfit- A blue hijab, and black burqa. Wrestling outfit- Bra and panties in the style of a belly dancer. Cup size- C. Personality- A repressed slut. Tries hard to maintain an honest image but takes actions that lead her into fucking anyone and anything. The second anyone shows her any level of intimate interest a switch flips and she becomes a nymph. Very shy before that. Trusts Katherine greatly as she's always watching out for her and leading her into situations where she gets to fuck.

Katherine: Ethnicity- Caucasian. Eyes- Blue and green. Hair- Blonde and short with a peek-a-bang covering her left eye. Normal outfit- A simple red blouse with blue shorts. Wrestling outfit- Pasties covering her nipples and a black thong. Cup size- C. Personality- A entrepreneurial slut. Loves having two and money. Is very bright. Enjoys being outgoing and forward. Makes friends fast. Greatly enjoys pushing Hareem over the threshold of being modest into being a slut by whispering all the naughty things that are going to happen to them if they x (x= Any scenario). Has the peek-a-bang not because she likes the hairstyle but because she's embarrassed about her heterochromia.

Description: Boom Town has been making incredible profits this year! So much so that nobody really paid any mind to Tilda leaving. Yet with their rising star gone and another getting injured they were down two wrestlers for the time being. Yet the next big thing is always right around the corner and it might end up being the most profitable venture yet!

Background: Mark's office from Boom Town: The Return of TIlda.

Mark sits at his desk with a medium pile of money in front of him.
Mark-"And that's all of it... Tilda's match made us a pretty good mint with all the extra we made selling recordings of it. I'm going to miss that kraut. She could have had a real future here.
Mark-"For her to leave at the same time that "Big Guns" Beatrix to get in that car crash has left us in quite the bind though... We have a match booked next week and nobody to fill it. It was a wildcard event so we could have anyone fill in but unless someone walks through that door right now we're going to have to refund all the tickets."
Knock coming from the door
Mark-"Come in."

Kat and Har enter the office

Kat-"Hello sir! I'm Katherine Kiss and this is Hareem Harron. We want to become wrestlers!"
Mark-"Well this is wonderfully convenient!"
Kat-" What?"
Mark-"So you girls want to become wrestlers here for BTW. We could do a quick interview right now if that works for you girls."
Kat-"Sure does!"

Kat and Har sit

Mark-"So tell me girls, what made you want to become wrestlers?"
Kat-"We saw the match between StrawHat and Tilda. It looked like a fun time and so here we are!"
Mark-"A fun time...? Our wrestlers have to sexauly please men if they lose a round. That sounds fun to you young lady?"
Kat-"Getting paid to punch a guy for a bit and possible fuck him? It sounds like the best job ever! Right Har-Har?!"
Hareem blushes
Mark-"Your friend doesn't like to talk that much?"
Kat-"Har? Oh she's just being shy! Once she lets her hair down she's a total freak and opens up more. She's thrilled with the idea, it was hers after all."
Mark thought bubble-"God thank you for this gift you've bestowed on me. I'm going to make the most of it!"
Mark-"Well girls you seem to look forward to the part of the job that scares most away so that's taken care of. Have either of you done any wrestling before?"
Kat and Har-"None."
Mark-"Well girls we have a week before an event where I can put one of you in. If you take this job I expect you both to start training. You still have to have a match and fight, if the crowd thinks your just throwing the match to have sex it'll look bad."
Kat-"Sure thing! We'll start training right away!"
Kat-"The event your putting one of us in is that wildcard night right?"
Mark-"Yes. We had someone else booked for it but they had an accident and so we'll put one of you in as a wildcard rookie match. The crowd will eat it up."
Kat-"Interesting... Would you be open to an suggestion since the event's pretty open?"
Mark-"Sure, what are you thinking?"
Kat-"Put us both in against each other."
Mark and Har-"What?!"
Har-"Kat this wasn't part of my idea!"
Kat-"Don't worry I'm sure you both will like where this is going."
Mark-"I'm not sure I do. The man who wants to fight pays a pretty good sum. Having two of my own wrestlers fight doesn't give me that nice bonus..."
Kat-"If you have Har and I fight we could sell a second set of tickets with lotto numbers on them. We could call out the numbers after the match and have the loser get gangbanged by the lucky winners!"
Har-"What?! Kat this is too much... I...I don't know if I could do that..."
Kat-"Pssh! Don't give me that! I've seen you take on a whole room of party boys before!"
Har-"But... I was a little tipsy then...They called me beautiful..."
Kat-"And after you and I are done roughing around in the ring you'll be crazy for some real cock. I know you Har."
Har blushes
Mark-"I like this! We could sell them at a lower price and allow for people to buy more than one. That way everyone's buying extra hoping for a chance to win! How many winning tickets do you want there to be?"
Kat-"One hundred."
Mark and Har-" One hundred!!"
Mark-"Young lady if you get unlucky and all one hundred winning tickets are sold one of you is going to be in that ring all night fucking!"
Har blushes
Kat-"Are you threatening me with a good time sir?"
Mark-"Wow... They really broke the mold when they made you huh. Anyway If you two are as sex crazed as you seem what's to stop you each from throwing the match to be the loser?"
Kat-"Tie a bonus into it. Have the winner of the match get 10% of the money the lotto tickets sell for. I love getting fucked as much as the next girl but if we sell as many tickets as I think we're going to then there is no way I'm losing that bonus money!"
Har-"Money would be nice..."
Mark-"Hahaha! I like the scruff of your guff! You have a deal! We'll get you two down to wardrobe and outfited right away. Miss Hareem was it? Would you have a problem wearing something as revealing as a wrestling outfit?
Har-"No... To be see in something revealing in front of so many people... Would be nice."
Mark-"Then it's all set then see you girls again in one week!"
Fade to black

One week later

Background: The BTW ring

Mark is in the middle of the ring
Mark-"Everyone welcome to tonight's special wildcard event! I hope everyone's bought some of our special lotto tickets as tonight's show is something you want to be a part of!"
Mark-"Everyone please put your hands together for "Killer" Katherine Kiss and Hareem the "Sandstorm" Harron!
Mark-"Let's get ready to rumble!!!"

Minigame- You'll now pick to play as Katherine or Hareem in the tried and true Boom Town style. The sex scenes will be the same pose no matter who your playing as but it will determine who's fucking who. I.E. If you pick Hareem and she wins she'll fuck Katherine, but if she losses then Kat will be fucking her. Thought this would be a fun throwback to the first Amazon Island game made years ago where you'd pick your character and losing wasn't the end of the game it was just the other girl fucking the man.

Sex scene 1- Cunnilingus ... 0.html#p39

Sex scene 2- Strapon sex ... 0.html#p20

Sex scene 3- Strapon Anal Doggy ... 0.html#p45

The End

-Game script 2- Boom Town The Main Event!

Characters: Mark Goodman, Hareem Harron, Katherine Kiss.

Description: After their fierce match a clear winner has emerged. Now is her time to please the lotto winners. There couldn't be that many right?

Background: The BTW ring

Mark is in the middle of the ring holding up Hareem's hand.

Mark-"We have a winner!"
Mark-"Everyone who bought a lotto ticket please head back to the ticket counter where they will check and see if you've won a piece of the lovely "Killer" Katherine Kisses ass! After we've got our winners we'll begin the main event in half an hour!"

Background: The BTW locker room

Kat and Har sit on a bench while Mark looks at his phone
Har-"I wasn't too rough with you was I kat?"
Kat-"What?! No way! You could have slapped my ass a bit while fucking it though! Hahaha!"
Mark-"Great show girls. The ticket counter is going to text me any minute now to let me know how many men you have to fuck tonight Katherine."
Kat-"Great! I'm looking forward to it! If I'm being honest though Har fucked me pretty good. I hope it's not too many. I'd be like drinking a good wine and then following it up with beer. They both are great but you need time for your palate to reset ya'know?"
Mark-"I think I do but not really... Anyway, I didn't think you had it in you Hareem! You were so quiet in the office."
Har-"Thank you sir! I'm not really good around new people I get a bit shy."
Mark-"Your talking a lot more too! I guess your friend was right."

Phone starts buzzing

Mark-"Here we go Kat. You will be fucking...."
Mark shocked-"One hundred men! Every winning ticket sold and all sold to different men!"
Kat-"Whoooooo. This will be great but I'm really regretting making that number so high... I really am going to be here all night.:
Har-"Would it be allowed if I join Kat?"
Mark-"Um...Sure. But are you really sure? Even if you and Kat split it up that's fifty men each."
Har-"I just got done giving Kat all the fun and I'm pretty horny. I NEED THIS!"
Kat-"That's the spirit Har!"
Mark-"Ok well I'll go out and let them know that your joining in. You girls head to the ring in five minutes."

Mark leaves

Har-"Hey Kat..."
Kat-"Whats up Har-Har?"
Har-"I bet I can finish my fifty before you finish yours!"
Kat-"OH I love it when you get like this! Sure. What are the stakes?"
Har-"If you win then I'll give you the bonus 10% of ticket money that I just won."
Kat-"Ok...And If I lose?"
Har-"You have to go with me on that trip I talked about taking if I got the money."
Kat-"OH that trip! Sure! I'm a little wounded that you weren't going to take me anyway!"
Kat-"I'm fucking with you Har! But know that I plan on using that money to take you on that trip I talked about."
Har-"Hehe. I guess this just comes down to where we go on vacation huh."
Kat-"Sure does. Well let's get out there and please our fans!"

Minigame- The same kind of minigame as seen in Teenage Mutant Fucking Turtles or the old Tsunade Xmas Sale. Where you have Kat and Har in the middle of the ring and drag horny men onto them as they ask for one or the other. You can place the men on their heads for a blowjob, tits for a titjob, or pussy for standard sex. There is a counter on each side of the screen for each girl to indicate who hits 0 first.

Sex scene 1- Katherine getting gangbanged

Sex scene 2- Hareem getting Gangbanged

Sex scene 3- Both girls kissing while being fucked doggy style

The last scene is Kat laying on top of Har as they are both covered in cum and exhausted in the middle of the ring.

The End

Thanks for reading these scripts all the way through guys. I'd love any feedback or criticism. Anything that would need to get changed or added to make it more likely to win a submission and what artist I should submit this too would be great to know. As of now I'm thinking Kosmos would be the one.
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